Local production of ash-derived alkali was assessed in this review. Detailed information on local production of ash-derived alkali is rare in literature. Hence, the technology, materials, probable criteria for selection of materials, processes, uses, of alkali were assessed. The project work was carried out in TUDAKA, environmental consultants limited, Ekpan Warri to produce alkali from Cocoa pod husk, plantain peels and palm fruits bunch. The plantain peels was collected from people producing flour, the palm fruit bunch was collected from oil mill company both from Ajanasal Ogharefe, Delta State and the cocoa pod husk was collected from Okada –Benin City, Edo State. These waste were dried and then ashed at temperature of 80oC using combustion furnace. Na, K, Ca, Mg which are the components of Alkali forming compounds. It was found that the contents in mg/g of CPH was the lightest in the components of the alkali forming compounds. The results were presented in the appropriate chapter on this work
In chemistry, an alkali is an aqeous (from water) solution with a PH value of more than seven. The word “Alkali comes from the arabic “qali’ meanin from the ashes since ashes mixed with water used as cleaning products (such as soaps) are made of Alkali materials. An alkali is where a base is dissolves in water. Often it is the salt of an alkali metal. An alkali is the opposite of an acid and can be neutralized (brought down to PH 7) by adding acid.
In chemistry, an alkali is an aqeous (from water) solution with a PH value of more than seven. The word “Alkali comes from the arabic “qali’ meanin from the ashes since ashes mixed with water used as cleaning products (such as soaps) are made of Alkali materials. An alkali is where a base is dissolves in water. Often it is the salt of an alkali metal. An alkali is the opposite of an acid and can be neutralized (brought down to PH 7) by adding acid.