This research work studies the gross national income on consumption expenditure of the federal republic of Nigeria from 1992 – 2011
It is aimed at fitting a prediction equation for gross national income over consumption expenditure, gross national income over time, to forecast the future national income and to test significant difference between government and private final consumption expenditures.
To achieve these, the methods of analysis employed are regression and correlation analysis and student t – test
It was observed that there is a strong positive relationship between gross national income and consumption expenditure.
In conclusion, the research reveals that there is an increase of gross national income over the years under study.
The student t – test reveal that the total government consumption expenditure is different from that of private consumption expenditure.
Based on all these findings, necessary recommendations were made.
Title page
Table of content
- introduction
- historical overview of central bank of Nigeria
- significance of the study
- aims and objectives of the research
- scope of the study
- definition of concepts
- survey methodology
- limitation of the research
- literature
- nature and scope of econometrics
- national income account
- public versus private expenditure
- source of data for the study
- economic growth
- review
of the analysis used
- regression analysis
- correlation analysis
- test of difference of two means
- research
- simple linear regression analysis
- regression equation
- simple correlation analysis
- test of difference of two means
- summary
of data
- data presentation
- data analysis
- summary,
conclusion and recommendations
- summary of findings
- conclusion
- recommendations
Chapter one
- Econometric is a policy measures adopted in controlling inflation, employment and increasing the national output which can be meaning if we tend our appeals to empirical investigation.
This research work employs the method of econometrics to evaluate the national output of the federal republic of Nigeria.
Econometrics is the application of statistical methods for testing and quantification of hypothetical economic relationship using data. It is with the aid of econometrics that we discriminate between competing economic theories and put numerical clothing onto the successful ones.
The central bank of Nigeria (CBN) was established by the central bank act of 1958, although legal banking of CBN recently rest mainly in the central bank of Nigeria degree no 24 of 20th June, 1991, which supersedes the acts.
The promulgation of the degree marked on important epoch because of the expanded powers conferred on the CBN to execute its primary functions as well as a collecting and using all aspects of needed statistics.
The central bank of Nigeria (CBN), in her process of executing this primary, functions returns, which are made to include both operational and administrative statistics.
These are processed to provide the balk of monetary statistics.
- significance of the study
the role of finance in a developing country such as ours cannot be over emphasized. This is because finance is one of the major inhibiting factors in the transformation of our economy from the developing one to a modern industrialized society.
This study is carried out to aid the government in economic planning and to provide useful aids in judging achievement in economic growth through national income statistics.
- aims and objectives of the research.
- To estimate the consumption expenditure functions over gross national income for the purpose of prediction.
- To estimate the relationship that exists between consumption expenditure and gross national income.
- Fitting a regression equation of gross national income over years for the purpose of prediction.
- To forecast the future consumptions based on gross national income trend value.
- To test if there is significant differences in averages of government final consumption expenditure and private consumption expenditure.
- scope of the study
the information used in this study is extracted from the central bank of Nigeria (cbn) financial and economic review of 1992 – 2011.
The study was to cover gross national income and consumption expenditure meant of the federal republic of Nigeria.
Basically, econometrics methods of analysis would be employed on the economic variables in evaluating their performances based on the information collected.