This chapter focuses on the literary works of scholars that have been done in the area of child abuse and its effect
on the educational performance of secondary school students. The chapter will be grouped and treated under the following sub headings:
The Concept of Child Abuse
The Causes of Child Abuse
The Effect of Child Abuse on Students Academic. Factors Affecting the Consequences of Child abuse and Neglect
Theoretical Orientations towards Child Abuse as it affect Academic Performance Ways of Preventing Child Abuse.
2.1 The Concept of Child Abuse
The terminology child – abuse is a compound word formed from child and abuse. From English definition, child means an infant, one that is very young, a son or a daughter, aspiring; and abuse simply means an improper treatment or employment of angry or violent attack in word melted on any one. Psychologically, the term child used to present that developmental state of man encompassing the early stages of development ranging from Neonate (few months are birth), early children (1-2 years), pre-school ages (first to five years and middle childhood (Pre-adolescence). In chronological term, childhood can be broken as a teenager. As commonly used by parent, a father or mother would refers to his or her aspiring as a child irrespective of the age. Child in the present context is any one between the age of one to twenty years who is still largely dependent on a caretaker for duly survival and maintenance. It is such dependency that makes the child susceptible to treatment that may be termed maltreatment from whoever the child is dependent on.
2.2 Causes of Child – Abuse and Human Issues
The causes are hard to determine, child abuser come from all income level, geographic area, family settings, religious background, ethnic groups and residential environment. Some of the causes are discussed below. Adults that were abused as children There is one factor that seems related to child abuse. Although, a cause effect sequence has not be demonstrated. According to Kline, (2007) has reported a clear relationship between child abuse and neglect. This researcher found that of children judges to be abuse or neglected, 27% of them where subsequently enrolled in special education classes. When the question was asked why do these parents do it? It was found out that child abuse is a psychological problem.The authors of one study claim that as infants and children all of the (abusing) parents were deprived both of basic mother care about from the beginning of their lives (Spinetta and Rigle, 2002).