Trying to match limited global resources against an ever increasing world population appears to be the crux of the
matter. The spill out from this seemingly intractable problem has been the world wide rural urban drift that has
invariably led to overcrowded and heavily populated cities with basic infrastructures and other social amenities
being stretched almost to breaking point. Rising un-employment, high cost of living, high crime rate and the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor are also spill-outs from the complex problem earlier mentioned. The
disenchantment and disillusionment arising from the foregoing stressful conditions (especially among the poor)
has been on the increase over the years (Brown, 1980). Reliable scientific research efforts on stress and other
related issues started to emerge around the middle of the 20th century (Luthan, 1989). The earliest scientists to
conduct extensive research into the physiological, psychological (Luthan, 1989). The general adaptation
syndrome (GAS) model development by Hans selys many years ago is still very relevant to present day research
efforts on stress (narayanan et al, 1999). Here in Nigeria, quite a number of empirical research studies and clinical
experiments have been carried out on the incidence of stress at different levels and under different circumstances
(Oloko 1977) Ovurie 1979; Obugbile 1982, Ebie 1983 and Akinnusi 1993. these studies have shown consistent
high level of stress among Nigieran workers. Such stress in conjunction with other socio-political and economic
factors has contributed to the declining performance and productivity of the Nigerian factors responsible for such
stress were properly identified and evaluated. Attempting to address some of the basic issues relating to stress as
it affects employees productivity in the service industry is my concern in this project.
According to Sely (1976) it is widely accepted that the development of stress reaction or symptoms is a functions
of factors operating in the internal environment. The nature of the interaction between these variables will
determine the prevalence, cause and consequences of stress relation. There is stress associated with individual,
group, organization and extra-organisational actors. On the individual factors, stress can be associated with
personal characteristics and life career stages. On the group factors, these include lack of group cohesiveness,
lack of social support, inter-personal and inter-group conflict. Thus the effectiveness of employees in any service
industry is influenced by the nature of relations among groups. The organizational factor related to conflicting
policies, ill-defined responsibilities and authorities, poor physical working condition. While the extra-organisational
factors are associated with societal and technological changes, family situations, poor residential conditions etc.
stress may have be neticial as well as adverse effects in the long run. The organism in individuals grows in
adaptive capacity through its encounter with stress and faced with blend safe environment. Thus, we can see in
every phase of the development of life, from infancy through adolescence, from the struggle to learn to work to
earn one’s living, we can attest to the fact that stress is involved in the development of all personal growth.
Therefore, since stress has so much on the past of human life, we need to be able to adapt to it if we are to
continue to function. However, despite the draw back of stress, it is not altogether bad for individual employees or
their overall organizational performance. Infact, it is generally recognized that at least low level of stress can
enhance job performance. This low level of stress required is referred to as “eu-stress” (a Greek word meaning
good) Selye (1976). There is therefore the need to understand the term “stress” through the knowledge of the
subjects and the practical application of appropriate strategies as to how to either cope without manage stress.
This forms the basis for this current study, as it will give the research the opportunity of sampling opinion of
different personalities working with Shukura Hotel, Sokoto.
Stress as a concept has attracted a lot of attraction from many diverse disciplines such as psychiatry, clinical and
social psychology, sociology, organizational behaviours, cultural anthropology,medicine et cetera. This is not
surprising because the causes and consequences of stress are multi-faceted and wide-ranging. In the developing
countries, the incidence of stress at homes, in the society and amongst employees of any service industry is also
alarming owing to harsh economic realities, poor social relations, institutional delays and breakdowns, general
pervasive feelings of precariousness of life. People encounter stress in their day to day activities, this study will
focus on the effect of stress on employees’ productivity in Shukura Hotel, Sokoto with a view to assessing the
factor that contributes to stress in various employees. These problems as mentioned above poses a three to the
productivity of employees in service, industry because the work of one employee’s work depends on the other
since the execution of a task to achieve customers’ satisfaction follow a hierarchy in terms of execution. Basically,
these problems necessitate the need for assessing the effect of stress on employees productivity using Shukura
Hotel, Sokoto as a case study with a view to identifying the factors that contribute to stress in the employees, and proffer possible ways to solving some of these problems.
In whatsoever situation, however capacity to withstand stress is a function of the individual, the situation and the
social context. This form the basis of this current study. The general objective of this study is to provide an
empirical investigation of stress in an organization and how it affects productivity amongst employees in a service
productivity amongst employees in a service industry (especially Shukura Hotel, Sokoto). Specifically, this study
aims at identifying the personality, groupings among employees which may predispose them to stress. however,
the major objectives are stated as follows: 1. To identify the causes of stress and human reaction to it. 2. To
analyse the difference between functional and dystunctional stress among the employees. 3. To determine
how stress on the job influences the behaviour of employees. 4. To identify factors that contribute to most
employees stress and how the factors affect their family life as well as place of work. 5. To identify ways of
preventing harmful stress among the employees as well as to highlight specific strategies of coping with or
managing stress. 6. To also try to identify the overall effects of stress on employees productivity and how it
affects the organization.
In view of the research problem this study intends to address, the following research hypothesis shall be proffered
in order to provide direction in the course of data analysis, and to enable the researcher arrive at fundings and
draw conclusions from them. The following are some basic hypothesis to be considered in the course of this
research work. 1. Ho: that quantitiative and qualitiative overload do not contribute to stress. Hi: that quantitative
and qualitiative over load contribute to stress. 2. Ho: that level of job satisfaction and participation does not affect
the intensity of stress among employees. Hi : that level of job satisfaction and participation affects the intensity
of stress among employees.
It has been observed that there is a shortage or inadequacy of literature relevant, specifically, to stress
management in Nigeria business organizations. Therefore believe that this research report will be relevant to
existing literature in such area. Furthermore, it is also expected that the research report will be significant to the
management and employees of Shukura Hotel, Sokoto and similar organization as a working material relevant to
decisions on stress management and control. Arguments presented and analysis made will surely province useful
aids to decisions-making on stress management in most service industries especially the hotels. Moreover, the
above is the expectation that the research will be significant in sensitizing hotel executives on the importance of
ensuring an efficient stress management strategy. Conclusively, the significance of this research work in line with
fulfilling an academic requirement, which is a pre-requisite for the award of a post graduate diploma (PGD) in
management science cannot be overemphasized.
This research work is mainly concerned with the effect of stress on employees productivity in the service industry,
laying more emphasis on a hotel setting like Shukura Hotel, Sokoto. In this case, the researcher only based the
research work on the scanty data which were supplied to him by the management of Shukura Hotel, Sokoto. Due
to fear of competing firms and relinquishing vital data which could be within reach of their competitors.
The researcher was unable to lay hands on some recent publications on stress due to logistics and financial
constraints. It has not been easy to always travel. These limitations were however minimized through the support
of an insider. Finally, efforts were made to reduce the effect of these limitations through quality and ardent
supervision at various stages of this research work.
Sokoto town emerged from the reign of caliphate Mohammed Bell oater the jihad of Shehu Othman Danfodiyo in
the year 1809. early settlers were attracted to the city because of economic prospects and security the town could
offer. Mohammed Bello’s dynamic policies led sokoto to play a mjor role as an administrative cosmopolitian,
commercial and religious learning centre. The movement of Shehu Othman Danfodiyo to Sokoto state in the year
1805 brought about the rapid growth of the town in population, commerce, religion and administration. The
headquarters of the sokoto caliphate has today grown from being a provincial headquaters to a state
headquarters of the North-western states, and now the headquarters of Sokoto state. There is now a federal
University, University Teaching Hospital and an airport, among many modern facilities.