When we talk of terrorism we have to bear in mind that there is a very big difference between terrorism and freedom fighting (terrorists and freedom fighters).
Both of them can be said to be fighting for their fundamental human rights. But while terrorists are faceless elements that come together and starts terrorizing the society. Freedom fighters are a group of people who are known and have gathered to press for their freedom.
Terrorists does have definite location rather mix up with the society and start unleashing their terror to women, children, the elderly as well as able bodied people.
The emergence of terrorism is traced to bad governance. When people’s rights are violated and trampled upon. When a section of the country feels marginalized there is the chance of some people coming together to make the country insecure or ungovernable.
Therefore, for the purpose of study the researcher’s focus is on pure democratic leadership style which allows the citizenry the freedom of expression so that there will not be friction between the leaders and followed by reducing such friction, there is bound to be peace.
“Terrorists and terrorism” has become the world’s monomaniac over the years. The single biggest threat to United States security both short-term, medium term and long term problem. Bringing America to the picture is because of the fact that she holds the world economy. Whenever America’s economy is threatened it affects the whole world, especially the developing countries like Nigeria.
Terrorism has become Washington’s major problem since the 9/11 terrorist attack which prompted American to embark on foreign / military policy that saw the development of about 94,000 U.S. troops, 40,000 N.A.T.O. troops and about 100,00 mostly highly paid contractors into Afghanistan. These numbers of troops were assigned to crush the AI-QAEDA terrorist numbering not more than 100 and 15,000 partly and full-time irregulars associated with the Afghan Taliban terrorists.
The reason for the emergence of these terrorist groups is as a result of the Bush Administration’s foreign policy in the Middle East. Over time now America has been directing their resources in fishing out terrorist’s hideout instead of aiding developing country like Nigeria now that Nigeria is facing security challenge. America is no more concerned on our welfare as a people but on how to label Nigeria a terrorist enclave. This security problem has brought untold negative impact on our economic development and progress.
Sine the concept of participation evolve from the field of human relation, it has been misunderstood by many. Participation is therefore the act of one taking part in something that affects him directly or otherwise. This is done in a special way of delegation thereby allowing people to air their view in matters that concern them.
By not allowing active participation by the population by the population brings us to the styles of leadership. And in leadership the major function of leaders is decision making. When decisions are made which affect some sections of the country negatively, and impacts on some positively, here is over 50% of the marginalized to rise up in fight for their rights.
People can adopt various ways of trying to express their grievances but the worst of all of them is thorough terrorism. By resorting to terrorism the country is plunged into regression instead of progression. It affects development because prospective investors are scared away both local and foreign investors.
This study attempts to achieve the following:
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