This study was to explore effective bank management with particular reference to Afri Bank Plc Enugu. To guide this research the following four research questions were formulated as thus:
1. To what extent are human and non-human resources adequate for efficient inspection in Afribank Plc Enugu?
2. to what extent and central measures against bad debt in the Afribank being achieved?
3. To what extent has the bank provision against computer fraud being achieved?
4. To what extent are the workers assured of job security and satisfaction?
A structured questionnaire developed by the researcher was administered to a total 50 male and female staff of Afribank Plc, Enugu. They were selected using the entire population for reliability. Hence he data collected and analysed using percentage mean and rank order.
1. That male is majority in Afribank Plc, Enugu.
2. That greater majority of the staff is single
3. That majority and HND/Degree holdings.
4. That greater majority of the staff has saved for 6 to 10 years.
5. Those resources and not adequate except few resource items.
6. Those computer frauds have not been experience in Afribank Plc Enugu.
7. Interferences and job/position insecurity of inspection affect objective report and recommendation.
Bad debt occurred in Afribank sometimes. Based on the findings major recommendation made include that:
1. In-service training should be given to staff on regular basis to get abreast with demands of the time.
2. The use of delegation as supervisory strategy to be in profession touches despite physical remoteness an all sectors of the bank.
3. Seminars, staff meetings, individual conference, demonstration service, provision of office bulletin efficiency.
4. Promotion of good working relationship by cultivating desirable temperament.
5. Leadership functions such as coordinating, resourcing and serving should be taken services as a cane development in the bank.
6. Staff safety are welfare must be assured for continuity
The (1960) banking Act defined banking as the granting of loans and acceptance of credits and the business of receiving monies from out side sources as deposit irrespective of the payment of interest on the assumption of guarantees and other warrantees for other or the effecting of transfers and clearing. And such other transaction as the minister may on the recommendation of the central bank by order published in the federal gazette designate as banking business.
The banking system in Nigeria is made up the central, commercial merchant and development bank. Banks such as peoples bank and community banks were recently established by decree of the federal military government.
Banking profession has been in existence for may decades non. Out unfortunately there were statutory definition of a bank until 1969.
Aaut (1982) described bank as a person or company coring on the business of receiving monies and collection draft for customer subject to the obligation of hononuring cheques drawn upon them from time to time by customers to the extent of the amount available on their current account.
The bank are closely monitored and regulated by the government through its agency the central bank of Nigeria. This is to ensure that they render services to their customer in a manner consistent with safe banking operations and government financial policy. Owing to the need to effectively and efficiently manager depositors funds the task of managing is entrusted with honours reputable and hand working personnel.