The concept, unemployment is better mentioned than experienced. Our country, Nigeria, is hard hit with the problem of unemployment of youth. This research aims at finding out the effects of youth unemployment to the economy of Nigeria, its causes and challenges. Over the years, different regimes have embarked on various programmes with the aim of reducing unemployment but the situation seems to be worsening day after day. Effort at curtailing the menace (unemployment) seems not to be yielding enough positive results because the active population continues to increase geometrically with no job. Nigeria is characterized by corruption, poverty, bad governance, and selfishness etc. It was found out that the effects of unemployment are destructive in the lives of the youths and the economy at large. In order to curb this ill wind (unemployment) from blowing, measures were proffered such that the government should put a feasible employment policy. People, especially the unemployed, should engage in entrepreneurship skill/jobs and attention be focused more on establishing industries and consumption of locally made goods than foreign ones. There should not be discrimination of any kind during recruitment for job and numerous others.
1.1 Background to the study
1.2 Statement of the Problems