This study is mainly a descriptive work which analyses the use of the preposition “par” in modern and contemporary French. It also among other things seeks to look at the causes mistakes many foreign users of the French language make while using this preposition and also to interpret the rules that govern its appropriate use.
This study therefore seeks to identify the syntax of some instances in which the preposition “par” is used, interpret it and explain how it functions. For instance, its use in the passive voice to introduce the agent. Also the role it plays in the distribution and also the adverbial role it plays.
Owing to the qualitative nature of this work, we used the error analysis proposed by Frei, H. (1929) to interpret users’ mistakes.
Analysis of data collected through exercises show that many learners were not able to use correctly this preposition in sentences. It also shows the partial mastery of its syntax. In other instances, it looks at how the over generalisation of grammatical rules as well as the socio cultural environment also contribute to the difficulties that users are facing.
In view of this, we made some suggestions which would facilitate the task of both teachers and learners since the greater part of non francophone who use the French language acquire it in the classroom. We therefore think that the use of a communicative approach in the teaching of prepositions in general and the preposition “par” in particular should be used by teachers in order to help learners.