The aim of the study was to analyse the causes and effects of Examination Malpractice , Drug Abuse And Cultism on educational standards, the moral character of those involved and socio-economic performance from an ethical perspective. The research revealed that Examination Malpractice , Drug Abuse And Cultism were a big problem in Nigerian institutions as they tended to virtually destroy the moral integrity of the persons involved. This results in a society with a corrupt and incompetent future workforce. By distorting the very essence of education, society tended to be more at a loss than a gain in terms of socio-economic performance because, most often, the certificates achieved did not reflect the actual capabilities of the holder. Recommendations in tackling Examination Malpractice , Drug Abuse And Cultism therefore call for measures such as the government working with the communities and policy makers to raise public awareness on the importance of the integrity of the examination system, inclusion of morality as a subject at various stages of the curriculum, adequately equipping all public schools with relevant learning/teaching materials and the government putting in an incentive structure for lecturers and others involved in the handling of examinations.
Background to study
Education is an important instrument that can be used to objectively evaluate and assess students’ learning outcomes and ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of different concepts or ideas. Actions and practices that undermine the integrity of the examination process, therefore, pose a serious threat to the quality and credibility of the students’ learning outcomes. Examination malpractices are an example of such actions that threaten the integrity of examinations, and/or damage the authority of those responsible for conducting them. Examination malpractices are also a threat to the validity and reliability of the educational system. They are harmful not only to the moral development, but also the intellectual development of learners. Examination malpractices are a serious and growing problem in Zambia. They have become widespread so that there is virtually no examination without incidences of malpractice (Chileshe, 2010).
There are various types of social problem peculiar to educational institution. Kornblum and Julian (1995:3) see a social problem as any condition that exists to threaten the quality of people’s lives and the most cherished values of a people, who also agree that something should be done to remedy that condition.