- Background of the Study:
Education is an effective instrument for human development. It has been identified as the process by which a society assist the younger generation to understand the heritage of the past, participate productively in the present and contribute effectively to the future of the society (Onu, 2006). The society is rapidly changing from an organized traditional society to a complex technologically developing one (Onu, 2006). These changes are also noticeable in our educational, social, economic and vocational systems. In schools and colleges today, crimes, violence, mass failure, truancy, stealing, cultism and examination malpractice are on the increase making it difficult for teachers to carry out their teaching job, as well as mitigation in all these in disciplinary behaviours (Okobia, 2004). Also, parents are busy pursuing material wealth, forgetting about the duties of inculcating good moral values in their wards. Information technology has also made it possible for foreign behavior to be transferred to our society and consequently desecrating the traditional norms and values like respect for elders, being one’s brother’s keeper, decent dressing, obedience to parents and other constitutional authorities and many others.
As a result, traditional methods of maintaining discipline have become inadequate. These conditions demand that considerable attention be given to professional field which has a broad range of activities, programs and services geared toward assisting individuals to understand themselves and the world around them. Danga (2011), defined guidance as a cluster of formalized educational services designed by the school to assist students to achieve self- knowledge or self-development and self-realization of their potentials. Onu (2016) also described guidance as planned activities which are based in the assessed needs of the school children and the society which will assist them to have appropriate knowledge of themselves and their problems in order to be able to solve them. Counselling on the other hand is a process whereby a trained professional in the helping relationship assists the client through series of interactions to understand himself, his problems and his world so that his problems are solved.
Oye (2012) noted that the essence of incorporating the guidance and counselling into the school system was to eliminate ignorance of many young people and personality maladjustment among school children, as well as other forms of indiscipline behaviors. Guidance and counselling is therefore the educational assistance given to students to enable them solve their problems and adjust more effectively to the school environment in particular and the society in general. It has become very important that guidance and counselling be introduced in secondary schools. According to Oye (2012), students exhibit different forms of behaviors which may sometime deviate from the school rules and regulations. He further stresses that students feel distressed, anxious, disturbed and uncomfortable about themselves and the world around them. As such, they need counselling.
Discipline could be described as a behavior disposition that is in conformity with institutional rules and regulation (Uyanga, 2005). Everyday organization has rules and regulations and standard of behavior. So, any member of this organization must adhere to these rules and regulations. Thus, the process of going contrary to the establish rules, norms, values, regulations of the institution could be termed ‘Indiscipline’ (Uyanga, 2005).
According to Uyanga (2005), an individual will be considered disciplined only when he displays behavioral tendencies that conform with the training that has been given to him. Indiscipline can be described as a behavioral deviation from socially approved standards of behavior. In secondary schools, causes of misbehavior can be described as deliberate violation of established rules and regulations by students. Peretomde (2005), also observed that in disciplinary behavior in school can manifest its self in form of student unrest or demonstration which could be violent or peaceful, this type of indiscipline relates to students group and collective violent protest against school management or teachers. These could result in deliberate destruction of school and public properties. Another form of indiscipline in secondary school is cultism which has turned life in our schools into a nightmare for many students and staff.
Nwagwu (2005), posited that another form of indiscipline is deliberate act of defiance. According to Nwagwu (2005), this act of indiscipline involves deliberate act of violating constituted rules and regulations, as well as show of disrespect to school authorities. He highlighted that lateness to school, refusal to wear correct uniform, absenteeism, sexual immorality, going out of bounds without permission, smoking, drinking, drug taking, bullying as well as refusal to carry out punishments are all forms on indiscipline that must be tackled in schools. In his own submission, Remmleen (2000), pointed out that many students in secondary schools lack respect to school authority. They refuse to recognize and obey the powers of the senior students and school prefects, and rude to school principals and school teachers, are confrontational and use abusive languages, are confrontational with staff and fellow students and many others. Remmleen (2000), cried out that our educational system is continuously falling due to daily report of cases of indiscipline such as sexual harassment by students, truancy, stealing, cheating, fighting and other behavioral disorderliness.
These issues pose a great threat to school life and performance that steps must be taken to address them. In line with this, the researcher wonders if the provision of effective guidance and counselling services in secondary schools can assist in salvaging these issues. Guidance and Counselling services are those service designed to facilitate self-understanding and self-direction. They are directed towards enhancing self-image and self-determination in the student and control all forms of anti-social behaviors (Okorodudu, 2004). Their service are presented by Nwachukwu (2007) as information services, placement services, appraisal services, vocational services, counselling services, referral services, evaluation service, research services and follow up services. Hence, it is based on these premises that the study is designed to examine the influence of guidance and counselling services on (information service, counselling service, orientation service and appraisal service) indiscipline among secondary school students in Onna Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.