1.1 Background to the study
Pre-service teacher are student in higher institution like universities, polytechnics, colleges amongst others. There are undergraduate student that studies education to become teachers. Pres-service teacher course is often regarded as both the most challenging and most enjoyable in the course of undergraduate studying programs. Throughout human history and its attendant of civilization education has been a potent means of socialization and development in all magnification. Education has proven to be only the suitable means of responding to the never changing needs of human society. The level of a nation’s educational development is determined by how efficiently and effectively that society or nation deploys its resources on education.
However, it is true that society must ensure that educational system responds to moves in trundent with it’s ever changing needs (Ogbodo, 2011). Education is vital to the society, political, economically, security amongst others. Because every society cannot elevate above its level and quality of education i.e educational aims are channel towards meeting the needs of the particular nation in which it is given. The poor academic performance of pre-service teachers is a consistent conundrum often parents, teachers and school management always keep blame on students whenever they perform poorly. The question is who to be blame? Educators and policy makers had attempted to implement programs to increase the performance of student to the better state but many still fail to attain the minimal grade standards. Pre-service teachers profession is paramount important and over all the social, political and economic development in the society. Courses like History, English, Religious and French studies being a unit in the department of Arts Education department and the student in different respective unit offered these courses as elective in faculty of Arts and humanities.