This research project was embarked to check Fraud Detection and Control in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (A Case Study of selected Business in IkotEkpene). The main objectives of this study areTo examine different types of fraud committed in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, to find out the causes of fraud in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, determine the nature of this fraud in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises whether they are fundamental or material and to find out the steps that can be taken to eliminate fraud in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. The population of this study consists of thirty (35) staff of selected businesses. The sample size of twenty-eight (32) was obtained using the Yaro Yamani’s formula. The study employed the descriptive and explorative research design and theuses survey method in gathering the opinions and view of different respondents (staff) from the selected business enterprises. The simple percentage was used as statistical tool to help analyze data gathered from the study. The study revealed the following findings; that the major type of fraud committed in small and medium scale enterprise is workers misclassification. That the major causes of fraud in small and medium scale enterprises is dishonesty of staff. That the nature of frauds committed in small and medium scale enterprises are fundamental and materials. That major step to eliminating fraud in small and medium scale enterprises is having a good system of internal control check. The study recommended that Management of small and medium scale enterprises should ensure that effective internal control system is put in place to monitor the compliance with the set rules and regulations of the business entity. Staff should be motivated by prompt payment of salary and wages while promotion, encouragement and compensation should be given to honest staff.as this will reduce the tendency of committing frauds.