The developed economies of the world have advanced in the goal of achieving a balance between population growth rate and economic resources. In view of this, measures have been taken which include family planning, sex education, among others in controlling such growth. The major aim borne in mind towards effecting this policy is the general standard of living of citizen. To this effect, modern family planning method in addition to natural family planning mode have been developed and improved upon in the recent past. Family planning has become an important population issue of many countries. It is considered as part of national population/health policies or programmes. Inspite of the hue and cry in and outside Nigeria about family planning or birth control, many people are still confused about its meaning, the method involve, advantages and disadvantages and the factors hindering its wide application in Nigeria. Improving reproductive health is central to achieving the sustainable Development Goals.(SDGS) on improving maternal health, reducing child mortality eradicating extreme poverty, promoting gender equality and empowering women to have access to safe and effective methods of fertility control. The promotion of family planning so that men and women can avoid unwanted pregnancy is central to the world health organization (WHO) work on improving maternal health and core to achieving the S.D.G.S (Cleland Bernstein, Ezeh, Faunders Glasier and Inms