The history of indigenous businesses in Nigeria has the history of small-scale enterprises. Independent businesses are everywhere and in line of work in our community. Many people want to become their own boss someday. This goal serves as an incentive for millions to become business entrepreneurs most especially now that people have come to realize that it does not pay much to work as civil servant. But rather think of operating businesses of their own. In recent times in this country, government (federal and state) level have championed the campaign for individuals especially the unemployed ones to become creative and bring to a halt the searching for a White Collar Jobs that are not available; rather people should engaged themselves in thinking of how to get themselves involved in doing one thing or the other on their own in order to create employment for themselves and if possible employ other people. Making this possible will matched the nation towards its long awaited industrial take o. It is a consensus opinion that small – scale and medium size entrepreneur can assist in re – shaping our economic system. However, a close look at the performance of small – scale businesses in Nigeria portrays a situation of neglect, apathy and general underdevelopment. This situation had seriously hampered the rapid growth of this important sub sector of the economy, pathetic situation could be attributed to a number of problems hindering the development of small – scale businesses such as managerial problems, marketing problems, lack of high caliber of employees and lack of quantitative data among others. The above-mentioned factors have hindered the development of small-scale business. The acute shortage of required capital to meet the business operational requirements has cultivated has cultivated the fluctuating performance and its declining role in the development of nations economy. The difficulties of small-scale businesses in obtaining required credit facilities and varieties of credit issues has further complication the financial problem facing these industries.
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