Growth and popularity of Naire Marley songs among students
Popularity is relative. It can take positive or negative directions. The major factor is to have activities that would
generate interests. However, the human response to song has traditionally been the subject of philosophical
thought. More recently, the human response to song has been the subject of psychological investigation. The
notion that songs can and does affect people is more than mere conjecture, but the mechanisms involved in
determining human response have not been clearly identied (Hahn, 1954). The basic problem centers on the
question of whether human reaction to songs is primarily explainable in terms of characteristic properties of
the songs itself or psychological responses in the listener.
Research on how personality inuences and predisposes the response of the listener to songs has generally
focused on individual preference for a type of songs. Although the bulk of the literature suggests that
personality is related to songs preferences, generalizations about the magnitude of the relationship are not
possible, given differential assessment of both songs preference and personality (Abeles, 1980). A number of
studies investigated personality factors, which are determinants of songs preferences. Fisher and Fisher
(1951) found that personal insecurities, anxieties, and fears influence songs preference. Intellectual
introversion has been shown to be an influential personality factor in determining songs growth and popularity
(Keston & Pinto, 1955). Bartha (1982) found significant differences between songs category groups and needs
for achievement, deference, exhibition, autonomy, tolerance, change, endurance, and heterosexuality. Self concept was shown to be related to songs preferences (Blackburn, 1983). Other studies identied differences
in personality characteristics reaected in songs preferences (Cattell & Anderson, 1953; Hahn, 1954; Mayeske,
1962; Payne, 1967). A representative review of the research on the relationship between songs preference and
personality factors will be presented in Chapter II
Another important dimension of the human response to songs is related to the meaning of songs. The bulk of
the literature addressing the issue of the meaning of songs is presented in line with basic philosophical
aesthetic positions regarding the affective response to songs. A description of the various aesthetic positions
will be presented in Chapter II. The various aesthetic positions are primarily concerned with nonlyrical “serious”
or art songs and have limited applicability to contemporary popular songs enjoyed by the majority of young
people. Although the various aesthetic positions regarding the meaning of songs may lack sufficient validity
when applied to popular songs, the major theoretical issue regarding the source of variation in attributed
meaning may have some relevance in attempting to clarify the meaning of popular songs. Variables
contributing to songs meaning can be classed under two broad categories: (a) those related to the structural
characteristics of the songs stimulus and (b) those related to the listener. In terras of the second category,
basic personality style, as well as state of motivation for interacting with songs, have received recognition as
potential variables affecting songs meaning (Radocy & Boyle, 1979).
Several studies (Greer, Dorrow, & Hanser, 1973; Greer, Dorrow, & Randall, 1974; Radocy & Boyle, 1979) have
shown an increasing preference for rock songs with advancing grade level, but little is known about why young
people tend to prefer this songs style over others. Although songs listening is a primary activity for young
people (Coleman, 1961; Frith, 1981; Larson & Kubey, 1983), little is currently known about how adolescents use
songs and what functions songs listening serves for them. Insights into the role of songs for individuals come
from both philosophical and psychological theories regarding the function of songs.
Merriam (1964) recognized 10 major personal and social songs functions:
aesthetic enjoyment,
symbolic representation,
physical response,
enforcing conformity to social norms,
validation of social institutions and religious trials,(
contribution to the continuity and stability of culture, and
contributions to the integrity of society
With Naira Marley songs like “Am I a Yahoo Boy” and “Jo Soapy” Naira Marley rose to popularity and great
heights in Nigeria. However many Nigerians are not convinced that these songs bear a helpful message to the
general populace, especially the youths who are easily inuenced by Celebrities. Infact many are convinced
that they help promote social vices such as 419 and Masturbation. This is even made more obvious due to his
band of very motivated followers on and off social media who refer themselves as “Marlians”.
The main aims of the study is to investigate the Growth and popularity of Naire Marley songs amongst
students. The study specically shall:
examine the impact of media in the growth of Naire Marley’s Songs among students
to analyze the relationship between personality and students choice of music in Naire Marley’s Songs
to investigate the communication channels and students preferences of Naire Marley’s Songs
The study sample represents undergraduate students ranging in age from 18 to 28 years, who volunteered to
participate in the study.
1 The sample shall not be random and shall not represent all youth in Nigeria.
Subjects shall be volunteers and results cannot necessarily be generalized to nonvolunteers.
The independent variables selected for this study did not include all of the inuences that might have been
selected (e.g., the media, songs ,growth and popularity,communication channels).
The study data shall be self-report information and customary caution must be used when considering the
The results of this study cannot necessarily be generalized to all youth in as much as cultural differences in
songs preference might be expected to inuence the relationship between popularity and growth of the
This study assumed that:
Young people can identify and select a general songs preference .
Personality factors are related to songs popularity and growth
The study also assumed that Songs is a fundamental channel of communication: it provides a means by
which people can share emotions, intentions, and meanings . Songs can exert powerful physical and
behavioural effects, can produce deep and profound emotions within us, and can be used to generate
innitely subtle variations of expressiveness by skilled composers and performers, such that highly
complex informational structures and contents can be communicated extremely rapidly between people.
Research methodology is the organized inquiry which includes the planned and the systematic data collection,
presentation, analysis and interpretation for solving identied problems (Ihemeje, 2006:15). The
methodological details shall cover the following areas: Research Design, Population of the Study, sampling
Technique and Size, Instrument of Data Collection, Validity and Reliability Test and Method of Data Analysis.
The eld survey research method was used in conducting this study. Wimmer et al (2003:167-168), explains
that the survey method presents the universe of the study by appropriating or reducing the universe in that it
provides the study with the opportunity to check on the incident, distributions and interrelation of variables
(demographic, information, attitude, motives, intentions and so on).
The study shall made use of the survey method. The survey design shall aimed at nding out primarily from
respondents, Growth and popularity of Naire Marley songs amongst students. This design shall be adopted
because the study sought to find out the opinion of respondents. Kerlinger (1973) supported this approach
because the survey methods enable the study of a relative population needed to provide primary information or
finding on a research.
Abeles, H. F. (1980). Responses to music. In D. A. Hodges (Ed.), Handbook of music psychology (pp. 105-
134). Lawrence, KS: National Association for Music Therapy.
Bartha, R. E. (1982). Personality variables and musical preference. Dissertation Abstracts International,
43, 2700B. (University Microlms No. 83-00,206)
Blackburn, W. D. (1983). The relationship of self-concept to adolescents’ musical preferences and level of
involvement with music listening. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 3549B. (University Microlms No.
Fisher, S., & Fisher, R. L. (1951). The effects of personal insecurity on reactions to unfamiliar music.
Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 265-273.
Hahn, M. E. (1954). A proposed technique for investigating the relationship between musical
preferences and personality structure. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Growth and popularity of Naire Marley songs among students