The greatest asset of any company is its human resources that ensure that achievement of the company’s goal and objective. (Human resource Article, 2012). It is unfortunate that most company’s or organization have neglected the development and management of their chief asset which is human resource
(human resource Article 2012). According to Susan, (2012), human Management is the function within an organization that focused on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. It is also a strategic and comprehensive approach of managing people and the work place culture and environment (Susan, 2012). Effective Human management enables employees to contribute effectively and productivity to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives (Susan, 2012). Human management is administrative activities associated with human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, appraisal,
motivation and also a functions within an organization that focuses on people (Wikipedia, 2012). According to Wikipedia, Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the work force of an organization. Human management encompassed activities designed to provide for and co-ordinates, all human
element within the organization (Akpan, 2001). This will ensure its stable continuity and achievement. The human personnel element represents one of the company’s largest investments. Susan, (2012). Consequently, organization should prioritize the development of the human element to maximize talents,
skills and ability which will automatically reflects on the company’s profit. It pre-supposes that we do need people in order to firm a business which that no business can exist entirely without people. Even a computer auto-mental machine factory has to employ some people, though a conventional plant with similar capacity might require more people. There arises the need for proper planning of these people employed otherwise known as “Manpower planning” (Source: How contributing writer).
Human development has also been seen a way of motivating company’s employee for excellence. Motivation is an equally important responsibility of human management. It translates directly into productivity and team effectiveness. People working together with energy and enthusiasm are far more effective
and productive than a group lacking that spark because of job dissatisfaction or boredom. As a manager, you play a big role in building team motivation (Aniago and Ejiofor, 2004).
The importance of motivating people at work is noticeable at all levels of organization. Starting from managers who need to be aware of factors that motivate their subordinates to make them perform well, through employees who need to think through what expectations they have of work, ending up with human
resource professionals who have to understand motivation to effectively design and implement reward structure and systems. It seems to be obvious that companies need motivated employees and without any doubts motivation is an important aspect of human management. However, because of a complex nature of human behavior, motivation is not easy to understand and to use (Hackett, 1999)