This research is designed to cover Human Resources Planning in relation to Performance in Private Sector. As a Human Resource Manager, Human Resources Planning are relevant function of management in an organization for the purpose of actualizing set goals and objectives. Human Resources Planning is a process
of analyzing an organization Human Resources needs under changing condition and developing the activities necessary to satisfy this needs. Human Resources Planning to aid to find out actual problem aecting management of Nigerian Sonal System Social Business Management Limited using primary and secondary data as a source of information. Good human resources planning is responsible for higher productivity in the private section. There should be regular and adequate personnel planning in organization to cater for lapses or inadequacies were they exist.
1.1 Background of the Study
The history of planning is old as man himself planning had started from the ancient era during the primitive period when there were no industries or firms. Planning is a basic function of management thus therefore means that planning pervades all the functional area of management which include personnel, production, research and development, marketing and finance.
Through planning organization goals and objective are determined; the resources available must be strategies to achieve the goals and objectives. Planning provide answers to what? How? When? And their relationship to organization activities.
In personnel management function, human resources panel is a basic function. Human resources planning is sometime referred to as workforce planning, which is defined as the process of the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. To ensure adequate workforce in the organization,
management must plan properly, proper planning in this respect involves accurate projection of the future, taking inventory of existing workforce, comparing the force with the existing one and take corrective measure. Productivity means rate of output, degree of result and success which is directly related to profitability and turnover. This research study concentrates on the possible impact of human resources planning on workers productivity.
The human resources means the human that are in the organization. Without them there cannot be production. So there is need for the organization to plan well for its human resource. Proper planning enhances the productivity of an organization. How? Planning helps to resolve problem of shortage of sta
in organization
It also helps in determining and planning whatever capital, material, equipment and personnel required in an organization in order to achieve organization objectives Human resource planning defining the duties and responsibilities of the personnel employed and determining the manner in which their activities are
to be interrelated Human resource use planning to assess external forces to help the firm deal with environmental uncertainty by mobilizing scare or limited resources to neutralize potential threats.
Planning make control possible, which is, comparing actual outcome with performance standards and taking corrective action if variance exists Human resource planning management development by helping managers to take proactive role in moving the organization toward a future desired state.
Lastly, human resource planning function include staing, that is acquiring qualified and appropriate number of workers for an organization, to determining and acquiring other resources and proper allocation of these resources. In addition, co-ordination of activities of all members and parts of an organization is
another major purpose of human resource planning in order to boost production