The role of co-operate in the socio-economic development of any society cannot be over emphasized. Co-operative movement plays an important role in the socio-economic development of any state. In Nigeria, the impact of co-operative movement in the development of the economy has not been fully recognized. This contributed to the need for this research study, in socio-economic development of Ekwusigo Local Government Area. In this research study the major aim is to identify the contributions, future prospects, problems and recommendations for solving these problems.
Some relevant literatures about co-operative organization on this research study were reviewed. Data were then collected from Ekwusigo Local government Area in Anambra state, through questionnaires and oral interview.
The major recommendations are that co-operative business should be injected with more capital to boost their business, proper education to the members for effective management. The government should come to the aid of societies through loans, grants and subsides, this will go a long way to improving the members socio-economically.
With this recommendation, co-operative organization can stand a better chance to play a major role in socio-economic development of Ekwusigo Local Government Area.
Title i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv-v
Abstract vi-vii
Table of Contents viii-x
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1-5
1.2 Statement of the problem 5
1.3 Objectives of the study 5-6
1.4 Research Questions 6-7
1.5 Research Hypothesis 7-8
1.6 The significance of the study 8
1.7 The scope of the study 9
1.8 Limitation of the study 10-11
1.9 Definition of terms 11-13
2.0 Literature Review 14
2.1 Introduction 14-15
2.2 Cooperative Ethos and systems 15-17
2.3 Brief history of cooperative society 18-20
2.4 Organization of cooperative society 20-21
2.5 Social and Economic viability in cooperative societies 22-24
2.6 The Relevance of cooperative in Agricultural Development 25 – 27
2.7 The need for cooperative in employment opportunities 27-28
2.8 The problem facing Nigeria cooperative
society opportunity 28-30
2.9 The contributions of cooperative society in Nigeria. 30-32
3.0 Research methodology/introduction 33
3.1 Research Design 33
3.2 Population of the study/sample size 33-34
3.3 Source of data 34-35
3.4 Method of data Analysis 35-36
3.5 Validation of research instrument 36
4.0 Presentation and analysis of data 37
4.1 Introduction 37
4.2 data presentation 37-64
5.0 Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation 65
5.1 Summary of findings 65-67
5.2 Conclusion 68
5.3 Recommendation 68-69
Questionnaire 70-75
Bibliography 76-78
The general history of co-operative can be traced back to industrial revolution which took place in the 19th century in England.
Co-operative societies are autonomous bodies formed by human beings with similar economic and socio-interest. Their major object is to improve on the socio-economic contributions of their members by mutual assistance.
The effort of the government basically is to enhance the socio-economic conditions of the citizens, this is prevalent in both developing and developed countries. There is a common task by the government and the citizen in trying to the vicious circle of underdevelopment. In pursuing and attaining these goals the formation of co-operative was advocated.
Co-operative can be viewed from different angles. According to Berko (1989) he gave a comprehensive definition of co-operative “as association of persons with variable membership, who have pooled themselves and their resources together on mutual or self-help basis to form a business enterprise which seeks to solve the socio-economic problems of these members by directly providing goods and service to them in their capacity as either the customers or employees of the co-operative enterprises.
In the above definition, some points are very important. First the society membership is voluntary and not by force, secondly the members must be free unlike what happen between the capitalist and their work where they were exploited and so many evils were made upon them. So co-operative can be seen as an effective instrument for obliterating the evils of capitalism.
The factory workers sufferings includes high prices of goods, very low wages, adulteration of goods and short weight and measures, long hours of work, unsanitary living and working conditions. As a result of these evils, a philanthropist and social reformer by name Sir Robert Owen (1771-1858) came to rescue of these poor workers by the formation of a consumer co-operative.
In Nigeria 1934, Mr C.P Shickland presented a report on the advisability of introducing co-operative in Nigeria 1935 marked the passing of the of the first co-operative ordinance known as the ordinance No 39 of 1933 with Mr. E.F.G Haig as the first registrar of co-operative. The first co-operative was the cocoa co-operative followed by credit and consumer co-operative societies.
Seeing the impact of co-operative in Nigeria, the Shagari’s led administration in 1980 established the federal department of Agriculture co-operative as one major step taken towards boasting food production in the country for the development plan period 1981-1985.
Later different types of co-operative were formed; their major objective is to increase the socio-economic of the members. This invariably contributed to the gross domestic product (GDP) which implies increases in economic development movement.
One of the ways co-operative led to economic development is through Agricultural co-operative. The resultant effect is shift to the secondary manufacturing sector. The total effect of this is large scale production, rise in the demand for manufactured goods and extend in the market size.
Agricultural co-operative also leads to expansion of the Agro-based industries. It leads to increase rural income and welfare, better feeding and housing, better services from schools, health centers, banks, and transport and communication facilities. All these improve the rural people’s standard of living which is a measure for economic development of a nation.
Co-operative business determines the degree of economic and social development of Ekwusigo Local Government Area and it is e very of the greatest activities which government can give support for effective development of the state.
Co-operative is seen as a tool for socio-economic development in most third world countries. Ijere (1986) stated that co-operative societies are remarkable instrument in development of developing states.
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