The project sets out to examine the impact of international trade on Economic Growth of Nigeria from (1981 – 2010). The variables used for this study are real gross domestic product, Non-oil export value, Oil export value, Non-oil import value, oil import value, exchange rate and trade openness. The methodology used is Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and E-views SV7 software package. The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of international trade on economic growth of Nigeria. The T-test is used to determine the significance of the individual parameter estimates. The F-test is used to determine the significance of the entire regression plan. The regression result shows that NEV (Non-oil Export), NMV (Non-oil import), OMV (Oil import) and OEV (Oil export has a positive relationship with GDP) while Trade openness and EXRT (Exchange rate has a negative relationship with GDP). Data used in this study were extracted from CBN statistical bulletin, 2013. The empirical result reveals that the R2 adjusted explain 75 percent of the total variation in the model, this shows a good fit. The researcher made the following recommendations among others: Emphasis should be on the promotion of non-primary exports and non- oil export i.e. manufactured goods.