This study was carried out to analysis the impact of labour turnover on organizational productivity (N.N.P.C Ilorin) organizations the questionnaire , direct interview, text books, and journals were the basic source off data collection, this was statistically treated using the simple percentage one of the major caused of turnover in the organizational productivity, on this basis management should ensure that all factors that can causes job satisfactions are put in palce to enhance optimum productivity.
Title page
Chapter one: introduction
- Background
of study
- Problem of the study
- Objective of the study
- Significance of study
- Scope of study
- Definition of terms
CHAPTER TWO: Review of related literature
- What is
labour turnover
- Types of labour turnover
- Factors affecting labour turnover
- Productivity in an organization
- Developing employee interest in higher productivity
- Productivity measurement of the significance
- Effect of labour turnover in organization
- Supervisory behaviours employee turnover
- Expectation of management toward labour turnover
CHAPTER THREE: research methodology.
3.1 Population of the study
3.2 Sample size and sampling method
3.3 Administration of instrument
3.4 Method of data instrument
3.5 Method of data analysis
3.6 Validity and reliability of the research instrument
3.7 Limitation of the study
CHAPTER FOUR: interpretation and analysis.
- introduction
4.2 Brief history of the case study
4.3Data presentation and analysis
4.4Data presentation
4.5Data analysis
CHAPTERFIVE:Summary Conclusion and Recommendation
- Summary
- Conclusion
- Recommendation
It has become more generally acceptable that structural arrangement of resources in an organization is composed of the human and materials resource, this shows that the management of an organization is not complete without any one of the two form effective management however, human resources that are under study, will be discussed in the area of labour turnover in an organization, this is because the constant exist of labour in an organization may jeopardize , his operation and productivity, in the light of this human resources management therefore needed in an organization.
Labour turnover is an organization become deteriment to the organization. It is not quickly taken into consideration, this is so special when the organization does not seek for immediate replacement of competent and qualified labour turnover whenever ignor poses a barrier to the progress at an organization, however the current labour turnover in an organization and industries especially in Nigeria is not brought about by the causes performances to fall below expectation.
There is an distribution in the planning and low moral among the rank and file operational officers with in the organization.
Labour turnover especially if it is that of chief executive officers is quite detrimental to the concerned organization as poor performance, low productivity and fall employment morale would guise , this has an adverse effect on he progress of such organization.
Furthermore productivity itself cannot be achieve without efficient labour , labour in efficiency in the management of labour, this itself has been as a result of other variable such as labour turnover absenteeism work stoppage such as strike and lockalt, the dissatisfied workers find it difficult to adjust to rigid requirement of the employed “fourteen out of twenty six studios found out that worker will positive job attitude showed higher productivity than those will negative attitude.
Therefore , this study is being understanding to analyze the various variables, which could lead to labour turnover in an organization and the effect of such leaving an productivity.
The rate at which workers are living industries is became rampant, the management also does not bother to suspend or terminate employee due to workers attitude to work these indifference are usually, being caused by the poor human resource management because of existence of had management and management relationship.
Poor human resources management may manage where the live to motivate employee (motivation) is lacking, these how ever will lead to instability to labour productivity in Nigeria, most employee are such as good salary, promotion medical working job security e.t.c are inadequate or absent and absence of these usually result is labour turnover need to be aforementioned facts, labour turnover need to be redressing by paying attention to workers needs because this will go a long way to improve productivity of the workers.