This study is on impact on the role of music and songs in teaching English vocabulary development on pupils’ academic performance in nursery school in Gwagwalada area. The total population for the study is 200 staff of selected nursery schools in Gwagwalada are. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made head teachers, class teachers, senior staff and junior staff were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies
- Background of the study
Traditionally, conventional methods in the teaching of English as a foreign language, such as plain explaining and drilling, are unappealing and can be very monotonous to the students. Hence, this will inexorably affect and obstruct their spirit to learn that foreign language. New syllabuses are developed to depict the natural use of language in the real world so that the children can use the language and perform it pleasingly. And one of the main ways to achieve this goal is by means of the use of music and songs. Their use in the teaching of English is undoubtedly very natural. We cannot deny that, as human beings, we have a special ear for music. If we try teaching alphabets to a child, for example, we will realize that the child picks them up faster and hence will memorize them better if we sing them out for them. Songs are a form of language that use tones and rhythm and they are also the media of universal language for everybody. Language and music are known to have similar communicative modes. According to Peacock, “they are aurally and orally transmitted, they both contain phonetic, syntactic and semantic components and they develop early in life as social interactive media” (Peacock 1997, pág. 51). Many writers share the opinion that children are more motivated and stimulated in the foreign language classroom when authentic materials (rhymes, songs, realia) are used rather than the artificial non-authentic materials (course books). Authentic materials increase the children’s level of involvement and concentration.
This is the main accurate reason why music and songs are the chief models of teaching the basic lessons to a child in the early years of life. Actually, different scientific research has shown off that the melody echoes in the child’s mind and the child soon grows familiar with the music and with the accompanying task. Taking that perspective into account, the current official English language teaching programs are chasing in on this natural human fondness for music enhanced by the use and further exploitation of songs in the teaching of the foreign language. Nonetheless, there are still quite a few more valid reasons for the use of songs in the teaching of English in nursery Education. Above all, songs are generally a real authentic source of language, valid for all purposes. Since a large part of the world nowadays listens to either English songs or songs in English, it will be more fun, for us and the children alike, to acquire a proper mastery of English or at least an adequate and desirable one. Another important reason is that songs make up a powerful means of teaching English at all ages. We can use songs as a classroom activity in order to enrich our students’ vocabulary or to improve their grammar and the different English accents. Adding that music and songs are basic elements of each human society does not constitute any update or novelty. They show many aspects of the culture of each society as they occur in all phases of our life, from birth to death. Since they play an important role in the process of learning and using our mother tongue, they are also quite important in the learning of any foreign language, and especially for young learners.
According to Murphey (1992) using songs in the language classroom has its advantages it can aid the young learner to develop and improve their listening skills and pronunciation, eventually their speaking skills. Alternatively it can also be a useful tool for learning vocabulary, sentence structures and sentence patterns. Young learners develop their cognitive skills through music, it enhances their language skills through singing, and children learn language appreciation, vocabulary and rhyme Shipley (1998). In addition Cameron (2001) stated that songs can be a valuable teaching and learning tool as it helps the learners to improve their listening and vocabulary.
The study is to find out if using music and songs within the English language classroom would promote vocabulary acquisition, would the children be motivated to learn the English language through the selection of songs and music on pupil’s in selected nursery schools in Gwagwalada area.