1.1. Background of the Study
The orphanage home is one of the numerous social institution that have emerged over the year to carter for some of the social needs of orphanage associated with such problems. Motherless babies have nowadays become common because of the moral decadence of the society young people who cannot cater for themselves find themselves put in the family way they end up find abandoning those innocent helpless babies. The increasing hardship because of the present economic
recession has increased the incidence of burden family relationship and the consequent loss of firm control of family members. This has tended as evidence by the increasing number of abandoned babies such babies have become the central focus of the orphanage home the impact of orphanage home on child personality development that is the behaviour pattern of social behariour on child personality development. he research try to compare children between the age of one (1) month to three (3) years that grows up in orphanage home to those that grow-up with their parent children from the orphanage behave in a unique pattern thereby displaying some certain social behaviour attitude that could be associated with the up bringing in the orphanage home. I want to find out the positive and negative aspect of orphanage home on children personality development generally. Any baby that lost his or her parent especially the mother by what every means become mentally ill once it is discovered the illness is taken from the mother by the orphanage children abandon in hospital or on the street are taken to the orphanage home. Social welfare services and training of professional social workers of all categories social workers can succeed out making their contribution towards realizing their objective of government in improving people welfare only are they have keenly understood the problem. The causes and the effect
of those people on he community the desertation is an attempt toward such changes taking place and their documentation the study will focus on the impact of the orphanage home on child personality development in the later parts of his life.
The Kaduna orphanage home is the birth child of Jammiyyar Matan Arewa.
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