Food packaging is simply a way of packaging of food, that requires protein, tampering resistance and special physicals, chemical or biological needs, it also shows us how nutritional information on food is being consumed, food packaging also has it’s objectives e.g we have the physical protection, barrier protection, information, transmission, marketing, security, convenience, portion, control etc.
Food packaging needs to be taking care extensively. Accordingly to (Brody A.L et al 1997), he said there is a way by which food is packaged properly, food packaging is also an act of preparing food in such a way that is prevented from contaminating the environment and at the same time helping in distribution and marketing.
Food packaging accordingly to (Brody A.L et al 1997), he also went further to say that food packaging is an area of specialization on it’s own. The packaging of food has undergone a resolution in recent times. Food packaging has its several objectives, without it’s objectives, the packaging of food are as follows; we have the physical protection where the food that is enclosed in the package, may require protection from, among other things, shock , vibration, compression, temperature etc. We have the barrier protection from oxygen, water, vapour, dust etc, is often required.
Food packaging is a sealed pack of diced port from tesco, food packaging has it’s various types and containers, such as packaging types of container and food examples. He also went further to said that there are various packaging types, type of container by food should be well packaged also that there is still food examples which is very important too. Robertson G.L (2002).
Packaging type Types of container Food examples
Aseptic Primary Liquid whole eggs
Processing Primary
Plastic trays Primary protein of fish
Bags Primary Potato chips
Boxes Secondary Box of cola
Cans Primary cans of totaro soups
Cartons Primary cartons of eggs
Flexible Primary Baged salad.
Packaging Primary
Pallets Tertiary:– A seves of boxes on a single pallet used to transport from the manufacturer Plant to the distributor care
Wrapper tertiary:- Used to wrap the boxes on the pallet for transport.
Primary Packaging:- Is simply the act of packaging that holds the food that is being processed.
Secondary packaging combines the primary packages into one box that is already made
Tertiary Packaging:- is simply the combination of all the secondary packages into one pallet.