1.1 Introduction
The role of quality health facilities in Secondary Schools is obvious because a good life is centred around the health of the individual which is the core of health education objective. Anderson and Creswell (2000) view health facilities as various aids used to combat health emergency and students enlightenment.
Ogbalu (2007) defined health facilities as suitable devices / equipments used to treat disease and other health problems as well as with educational process used to bring about positive health behaviour.
Studies by Eke (2002) reveal that in many secondary schools in Nigeria, health facilities were poor and health instruction was poorly carried out the non implementation of the instructional components of health education curriculum, clack of health facilities in secondary schools and instructional materials were mainlythe problems identified by the researcher as responsible for the poor status of health education and academic performance in secondary school system. It is significant to mention that in whatever function one finds oneself, the most important factor is good health, If quality healthful living is lacking, productivity and performance will be seriously undermined, thus every health education teacher in secondary schools has the potential for positively affecting the health status of students.
According to Michael (2001) studies on Biology teachers in post primary schools revealed that many students content with health problems that influence their ability to learn despite the method of teaching employed by the teacher. The study also indicated that teachers complained that some schools that lack the necessary health facilities, students are not adequately fed, and others that lack relevant reactivation are vulnerable to various infections and disease such as tuberculosis, measles, meningitis and infective hepatitis.
Studies by Iversion (2000) reveal that many biology students in secondary schools are brought up in families in which domestic violence and drug or chemical dependency are the rule rather than the exception. These observations compel and make necessary the provision of health facilities and adequate implementation of health education curriculum in secondary schools.
Gold (2002); Jones (2002) reveal the significance health facilities and the concluded that health facilities/instruction, improve the quality of life reduce many high risk behaviours, teenage pregnancies, smoking rates among school children but the over all effectiveness of children instruction depends on many factors such as play fields toilets, comprehensiveness of the health education programme, time available for instruction, family involvement and community participation in matters related to health education. Health facilities, in Secondary sch
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