This research was based on finding way of improving the sales of supermarket through effective marketing strategy. Some selected supermarket in Enugu metropolis was used.
The major problem faced in this research was how to improve sales by using the tools of marketing strategy. This research also found out how the full application of marketing concept could help to improve sales in supermarket. The acute importance of the customer to success of any business in the era to buyers market was also research on.
In collecting information for this research, two source of data collection were used. They are primary and secondary data sources. The primary was data gotten through the use of questionnaires and oral interview, while secondary data were collected from libraries and other information center.
Four hypothesis were stated and proved which helped to show ways through which the sales of supermarkets could be improves. Percentages and 1 – distributions were used in analyzing the questionnaire while 2 – test formula was used in testing hypothesis.
Supermarket as we know them today started in the depression days of the early 1940s. They were owned and operated by independents, attempting to compete with the Chain food stores. The supermarket method of food retailing becomes an immediate success and the innovation was soon adopted intendments. Today supermarkets are dominant institution in food retailing. There are close to 34,000 supermarket in the United States and about 29,000 in Nigeria and they account for about 75% of total food sales.
1980s were not good year for conventional supermarket cost increased
(Sometimes dramatically), inflation hurt, competition intensified and both profits and productivity. Now, in the 1990s, supermarket management in facing the challenge of revealing these trends especially the decline in profit and productivity. The challenge is being met cutting costs and stressing their price by offering limited services.
A few supermarket organizations are going the opposite route – featuring a wider assortment of products of higher prices. Both groups are using technological innovations at the chicken stands, in packaging and else where in the stores. Perhaps the strongest challenge the supermarket management is the task of encouraging the adopting of a greater number of those technological innovations at a faster rate then in previous years.
There are many factors which caused the take off of supermarket in the 1940s some of these factors are:-
The mass ownership of cars:- For the fact that many supermarket patrons own their own cars, they can afford to go to some distant places to make their weekly shopping.
The advance in technology:- Both supermarket and their patrons can store perishable goods for a long period of time. They can also make bulk purchases which could be stored in their refrigerator.
The packaging technology:- For many products now have consumer size packages and distributor size container. This consumer packaging enhances self – service operation in supermarkets.
Integration of grocery, meat and produce departments has made one to stop shopping regularly. In a supermarket, there are different section which makes for all time and efficient shopping.