This study was designed to investigate the integrating of ICT into various subjects at the senior secondary level of education specifically private secondary schools. Data was collected through the use of questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to two hundred (200) staff in the selected private secondary schools. Data analysis was carried out using simple percentage. Finding revealed that most private secondary schools have succeeded in integrating ICT into various subjects. However, it is recommended that there should be regular monitoring of schools for effective implementation of the use of ICT tools in the classroom and also, the teachers in rural areas should be encouraged to improve themselves on the use of ICT tools.
1.1 Background of the study
Quality education is a key concern as a means of preparing learners for the knowledge economy. ICT integration is described as the means of using any ICT tool such as Internet, e-learning technologies and CD ROMs to assist teaching and learning. Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education has been reported to result in many learning benefits though it is quite demanding. ICTs in this study include the computer, the internet and CD ROMs. Enough preparation must be put in place for ICT integration in education to succeed. It requires keen planning, effective teacher preparation and sustained regular teacher professional support and visionary leadership that recognize the need to prepare the learners to live and work in the technological world of the 21st century. It also requires a teachers’ attitude that is adaptive to change and appreciation of the fact that in many ways modern technology enriches pedagogies. To achieve that, teachers might also require training and sustained professional development. Use of ICTs also demands teacher creativity, innovativeness hard work. This is because teachers would have to search the web for relevant material which they would customize for use in class to meet learner’s individual needs. The innovation also demands costly infrastructure to be in place, facilities, resources policy, professional support, secure storage and maintenance. In order to appropriately integrate ICT for improved education quality both technology and pedagogy must be addressed in the aspect Koehler calls Technological pedagogic Content Knowledge (TPACK). Inappropriate use of technology in education can lead to negative effects and that should be avoided. On the other hand effective use of ICTs as teaching learning resources has been associated with significant increase in students’ achievement. Students gain confidence as they get engaged by their teachers and sometimes work together with teachers as co workers in attempt to solve some technological problems. The students also get engaged in activities of searching the web, solving problems and conducting other class activities with aid of technology which they find exciting and complete their own learning tasks which they sent back to the teacher through email. Effective use of ICTs as teaching learning resources has been found to significantly increase students’ achievement. Use of ICT integration also promotes students critical thinking and problem solving skills needed in life. However many developing countries, Nigeria included, have found use of ICT in education an uphill task despite the government’s demonstrated willingness to support the venture. News in a local daily that a little unknown public secondary school in Nigeria had made efforts to integrate ICT in curriculum delivery helped the researcher to identify a case that would reveal teachers motivation to integrate ICT in curriculum delivery. It raised the researcher’s curiosity to establish the major influences of the schools ‘efforts to make the reported achievements. The main aim of the study was to confirm whether the school was integrating ICT in education and also to establish the motivation of the ingenious undertaking. This study therefore investigated integrating ICT into various subjects at the senior secondary level of education. The experience is useful in students’ life in a technology enriched environment that is anticipated and has already been experienced.
There are many new changes and challenges that teachers face, and are required to adapt to. Included in this are a more modern and westernized approach from schools; new methods of teaching and learning, an increase in student numbers, and (most importantly) an explosion in the development of teaching with ICT. All of this means teachers need to update their knowledge and skills to develop the educational process in the classroom. With the advent of a new philosophy towards ICT and its role in education, a wide body of research has developed investigating the role of ICT and its effect in developing an interactive education environment. Many of these studies have provided evidence of the significant contribution that ICT makes to improving methods of teaching and positively impacting the learner (Kennewell and Beauchamp, 2007). However, many of these studies have been limited to investigating the impact of ICT on learners. There is substantially less research which focuses on the role which ICT plays in creating and promoting a more interactive educational environment, as part of teaching and learning. The presence of ICT in the interactive educational environment can help to develop thinking skills and make classrooms an environment for educational growth. ICT also helps students to develop new thinking skills which may transfer to different situations which may require analysis and comprehension skills, and consequently critical skill development (Al Hudhaifi and Al Dughaim, 2005). This again was a motivation for the study; to investigate the integrating ICT into various subjects at the senior secondary level of education.