This project topic “The impact of inter-governmental relation in the development of local government areas in Imo State. A case study of ideato north and ideato south L.G.A Imo State” Rural communities constitute a large landscape in Imo State and has been divide into local government areas. So this research work is on the relationship between the three tiers of government, the need for the process of the inter-governmental relations. It also point out the developmental effect of Ideato North and South Local government and other tiers of government. The institution of inter-governmental relation and how the federal and state government have assisted in the development of local government mainly ideato North and south.
The historical aspect of ideato North and South Local government were available, all the data got, generated and analyzed was used for the development of the rural areas, some suggestions was put in place for the better of the local government (three tiers), since the local government of Ideato North and South, with other levels of government, State, Federal cannot stay in isolation, so there is a need for interaction between the local, state and federal government.
The wake for inter-governmental relation came up following the need for decentralization of government, power as a means of creating an enabling environment for wide spread developmental activities all over the country and the nation at large. Nigerian federalism has three levels of government. The federal government, the state government and the local government, this levels are what we refers as the three tiers of government.
This three-tiers of government exist mostly in a federal state, this explains the structural arrangement provision with reference to federal Republic of Nigeria Constitution whereby the country under federal system of government has three levels of government. This arrangement is made for the administrative freedom of operation at each level, so each tiers has its areas of jurisdictions and functions. At the same time each interacts with one another for accomplishment of its duties.
Government here is like a living organism, it is composed of various parts and each of these parts interacts among themselves so as to keep the system functioning at all times.
Inter-governmental relation is defined as the different levels of government within a given state.
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