The evolving nature of IHL has seen the rules and principle blossom mover time. It is not until the second half of the nineteenth century that nations agreed on International rules to avoid needless suffering in war.International Humanitarian Law (IHL), also known as the Law of Armed Conflict or the Law of War, is the body of rules that, in wartime, protects persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities; and seeks to limit the methods and means of warfare while preventing human suffering in times of armed conflict. The principle instruments of IHL are the four universally ratified Geneva Conventions of 1949 as well as the three Additional Protocols of 1977 and 2005, as they stipulate that civilians and wounded or captured combatants must be treated in a humane manner.
With the Raging forms of International conflicts around the World, which are eclipsed by extreme violence to Men, Women and Children, ensuring accountability for violations of International Humanitarian Law for individual perpetrators and for parties to the conflict, is one of the challenges to achieving more effective protection of victims in armed conflict. Many conflicts to a large degree has the absence of accountability and, worse still, the lack in many instances of any expectation thereof, which in turn allows violations to thrive.The major objective of this research shall be to examine the purpose, substance and scope of International Humanitarian Law and the potential of International Humanitarian Law as a tool to achieve and maintain peace and protect rights of persons.
The objectives includes to properly define the practice of International Humanitarian Law, to identify who the victims of war are and examine the privileges, obligation and protection guaranteed by International Humanitarian Law, Finally to analyse how International HumanitarianLaw provisions are implemented in the protection of victims of war.The methodology chosen is more of a doctrinal approach which isqualitative in order to reach an understanding of the current position of International Humanitarian law and most especially the victims of war. The primary source of materials for this researchworks are the Treaty Laws, textbooks, law reports and journals on international humanitarianlaw