Social and economic well-being of the people is one of the principle objectives of the present people’s government. Labour policy, like policies in other fields, should also aim in attaining the objectives in a manner best suited to the resources of the country and present state of economy. There is an urgent need to revitalize the economy, required sustained efforts, to increase the level of maximization on the employment.
There is an equally genuine requirement to create among workers and employers, a bitter awareness of the objectives to the national objectives state above at the same time, the government recognizes that workers and employers must enjoy reasonable benefits as can be sustained by the economy without suffering set-backs.
The Nigeria labour congress (NLC) continues to be confronted with a complete multiplicity of challenges in the fulfillment of its mandate as a works and popular public service. These challenged are defined increasingly by the constellation of economic, technological and political changes, which have radically re-configures the word under the growing hegemony of capital.
An evaluation should not only consist of performance metric, but also behavioral metrics in addition to gauge the potential growth of a worker’s the employer should specific some unique characteristics fitting to the industry the company is in. the goal of the evaluation should be to encourage professional excellence from the work rather than be used as a tool to point out short comes.
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To know what your company can achieve you need to know what your workers have achieved and what their potential is. Workers evaluations are on important part of driving success. Save your company time and in the long run money, by getting professional documents created by your team specific for you.
This issue of public services performance in Nigeria has been a thing of concern to management/owners of businesses (public or private) the public, on the fact in a capitalists or mixed economy performance is dependent of the smaller wilts (companies) operating within the economy. The performance of any public services is therefore bases not only on management ability to plan in the short run, control, organizing, directing and co-ordination its resources, but the ability to plan labour ally far into the future and carefully implement the plan.
It is pertinent to note that policies labour ally has many range which have different impact on the public services performance these are the short labour plan. The medium term labour and the long labour plan, the adaptation of any of these ranges of plan by any public services will depend on the foreseen impact it will have on its operation.
Most public services in Nigeria prefer the short and medium labour plan because of the flexibility and almost certain the outcomes of such plans.
The use of the labour policies is therefore not widely applied in Nigeria companied. This is probably, due to the seeming uncertainty associated with the outcomes and the high cost involved in formulating and implementing such plans.
The relunctancy shown on the part of most Nigerians companies is using the labour policies due to the disadvantages, has therefore bought out the problems of this research work. The problem there is to determine whether labour policies create impact to the performance of the public services. If yes, hat specific impact or advantages will it have towards public services performance? The aim of this question is to find out ways of encouraging public services to embark on the labour policies as a way of setting labour goals, ensuring continual survival of the public service and improving public services decision making process.
Keeping these priorities in view, the Government considers that a balanced labour policy should be based on the following objective: