Government and society cannot promote and enforce ethical behaviour solely through the utilisation of ethical codes of conduct or through the promulgation of a plethora of legislation. Communities tend to equate moral values and moral norms with values and norms, which apply only to personal relations. In terms of Abia State House of Assembly Constitution , all government departments are required to be efficient which includes observing particular ethical codes of conduct. Campbell
( Chukwu P.A, 2004) writes that public officials who are employed in complex government departments, have to be accountable to their immediate superiors, the political leadership and the public at large.
Political stability legislation are those legislative enactment aimed at regulating and directing the activities of societies. It guides the ruling, formation of enterprises, so that it enables their activities to be stable, effective and efficient for the successful operation of a given society.
The originated in Nigeria in 1935 under the no.39 ordinance, while the legislation follows in 1936, Both applied the legislation follows in 1936. Both applied to the whole locating, then colony and protectorate of Nigeria. In 1952, the country was divided in to three regions north, west and east and was made a regular subject each adapted the 1935 ordinance with necessary amendments . in august 1977, the then federal commissioner for the supply Alhaji U.A. martial , set up a panel to review and unite the Nigeria
WITH regard to the term political stability that annexation of Lagos in 1961 marked the commencement of British colonialization of territory which later christened Nigeria by miss flora show in an article which appeared in the London times of January 8th 1887 .Nigeria came in to being in 1914 when about fifty one nations that had existed for centuries with varying modes of socio political economic and cultural organization were arbitrarily amalgamated by Britain to serve its interest which was predominantly economic is a fact on history and it is common knowledge that cord laggard was the west .
The 1914 arbitrary amalgamation which as greeted with protest both during and after the event as medicated by threats of succession at different times before independence above a seed of discard which lord lugards policy of developing the northern and southern provinces along separate lines planted in the country political vineyard to maternity by haggard successors whose actions were not designed to build a Nigeria state but to flourish the colonial causes .
What so ever , Nigeria have had many election.1922-1959: the history of elections in Nigeria dates back to 1922 when the constitution operation in the country then(Clifford constitution of 1922) introduced the elective principle by the Clifford constitution ,four Nigeria were elected in to the Nigeria legislative council one to represent calaber and three to represent lagos. The franchise was limited to about 5,000 adults each the election was contested by less than nine candidate and between two quasi-political parties Nigeria national democratic party (NNDP) and the people union.
The election was also organized by the council government. The election was also free and fair and the conduct was peaceful and orderly. the nest important election which ushered in the constitutional settlement for an independent Nigeria ,the first ever direct election covering the country . Three political parties emerged during this period and participated in the election.
The national council of Nigeria citizens (NCNC) formally known as that national council of Nigeria and Cameroons which was the first modern political party in west Africa was formed in 1914 and led by Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe the action group (AG) was formed in 1951 under the leadership of chief Obafemi Awolowo and the northern people congress (NPC) was formed in December 1949 under the leadership of Alhaji Ahamdu Bello .in the 1959 election the NPC won 134 state in the central registrature ,the NCNC won 80 state which the AG won 73 state .
This election was also supervised by the colonial master, it was relatively peaceful and orderly 1960-1966: during this period the regional elections were held in 1963 and 1965 respectively and the federal election after the federal election was the western regional election in 1964 .two broad coalition contested the 1964 federal election. The Nigeria national Alliance (NNA) made up of the northern people congress (NPC) and Nigeria national democratic party in western Nigeria and the united progressive ground Alliance (UPGA) made up of the united middle belt congress the national council of Nigeria citizens (NCNC) and the action group (AG) .