Academic library is a library that is attached to an institution of learning, a major function of which is research and the advancement of knowledge in a wide variety of subjects. It is an important service or unit of operation set up to provide location ,resources and facilities for study, teaching and research carried out in the institution. The importance of an academic library is to serve as an auxiliary to the parent institution in carrying out its objectives. The Library is an essential resource of the academic institutions, and helps them fulfill the curriculum requirements and to promote studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library takes care of the information needed by the institutions through the provision of reading materials for the various
programmes of the institution (Igbinosa and Idiodi, 2002). According to Danton (2003), the major responsibility of the academic library with respect to its book selection and book collection is to provide the materials which will now and in the future best contribute to the fulfillment of these of teaching, conservation and research. Ajibero (2001) suggested that the academic library is the “centre” of the institution. He said that what all academic libraries have
in common, virtually irrespective of country or history is their basic position, roles, aims and objectives. The standard of these libraries depends highly on the library facilities it ores its people in terms of information resources. Information and research resources become more diverse, it places a challenge on academic libraries. Hazen (2000) disagreed to the changes in the nature of information, in research methods, and in the structure of higher education are acting academic libraries. The different changes tell much about the shining context within which academic libraries must operate. Therefore, it is absolutely important that libraries possess the resources that will enable them meet her goals. Standard buildings, well trained stand modern information storage and retrieval system and quality materials can only be recognized when excellent services are rendered to users. All these services cannot be given
without a retrieval of information materials. Objective of any academic library is to enhance the teaching, learning and research activities of the academic institution. This is an objective which can be achieved through a systematic acquisition and organization of all forms of recorded and undocumented
information in all fields important to the goals of the institution. Realization of these goals is by making such information available to the members of the academic institution and other scholars engaged in research and study (Ekere, 2003). Collection development is one of the fundamental functions of the library and information profession. Magrill (1999) described it to include all planning for the systematic and rational building of a collection. In one sense,
collection development includes assessing user needs, evaluating the present collection, determining selection policy, coordinating selection of items, reevaluating and storing parts of the collection and planning for resources sharing. However, in a broader sense, collection development is not a single activity,
or a group of activities; it is a planning and decision-making process. In order to play these vital roles effectively, academic libraries are supposed to be adequately funded by their parent institutions to procure adequate information resources.