“Deskjet 1050 printer” is a collection of printing techniques that take small quantities of ink from a reservoir, convert them into drops, and transport the drops through the air to the printed medium (paper, transparencies, beverage containers, etc.).
Deskjet 1050 printer printers work by spraying a very fine stream of quick-drying ink on the paper. As with the dot matrix type, there are seven print points where the ink gets “squirted” onto the paper. Because the ink must be squirted, it must be thinner than regular ink. Many deskjet 1050 printer printers specify that special paper should be used so the ink doesn’t run or bleed for high quality printing (more than 300 dpi). Printing should be done on the shiny side of the paper.
Deskject 1050 printer technology has been implemented in a wide variety of ways. Figure 1 Thedeskject 1050 printer tree structure provides a pictorial representation to cover most of the better known printing techniques.
At the heavy-duty high performance end, some printers can print in excess of 1000 feet per minute. A typical use of these printers would be in the printing of mailing labels. These systems, usually classified under continuous or pressurised deskject 1050 printer. The ink is continuously shot out in tiny drops even when nothing is being printed. This helps to keep the ink port from being clogged from ink drying on it. To control the formation of characters on the paper, the ink is directed by magnetic fields and is selected and guided to the printed medium by electrostatic or magnetic forces. This is done in much the same way as the electron beam in a where magnetic fields are used to deflect the charged ink droplet. During the times when nothing is being printed, the ink is directed to a catcher so that it recycles back into the ink reservoir where it can be used again.
The other major classification is drop-on-demand, in which drops are formed only when required. The forces used to create and transport these drops may be mechanical, electrostatic, magnetic, or thermal.
The term Printing is associated with two dimensions products and decoration techniques, whether on paper or fabric or even printed images, in order to associate the printing expression with one of the methods of formation as the workers in graphic design field are not used to it.
The print cartridge to design around is the DESKJECT 1050 PRINTER. There is extremely detailed information available about this particular print cartridge [1], and it is very versatile.
The printer requires a device to hold the cartridge, and needs some means of connecting to the electrical contacts on the cartridge. The mechanical holding parts must be manufacturable by the rapid prototyper (RP machine) used to make many of the RepRap’s parts. It is thought that the RepRap should be able to produce similar parts fairly soon.
The electronics which connect to and drive the printer (to cause it squirt ink, rather than actually move the print head) must also be designed and produced. To aid this, an open source microcontroller,Arduino, has been provided. Thearduino uses its own coding language, based on C++, which must be used to programme the microcontroller; writing the code is also part of this project.
The primary aim of this project is to maintenance of a deskjet 1050 printer. The aim of this project is not to produce a perfectly designed printer, just one that works. Future versions of the printer are likely to be designed more efficiently, and in a more suitable manner for the capabilities of what the RepRap will be capable of.