This research is aimed at examining ‘’The Management of Local Government Finance With particular reference to Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area of Kogi State’’ The research work is divided into five chapters. The researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data collection. In analyzing the data, the use of simple percentage method was adopted for easy understanding. It was revealed that despite the statutory allocation from both federal and state governments as well as internally generated revenue, the local government still experienced persistent inadequate finance. In view of this, the researcher recommended that the local government management should try to be more inward looking by focusing attention on the possibility of exploiting various abandoned means of raising fund. This will reduce heavy dependence on the federal and state grants.
Local government in Nigeria today can be defined as a government at the grass root level exercised through representative councils instituted to carryout specific power within the defined area.
The National Guidelines for the reform of local government (1976) provides that one of the aims of creating local government in any organized society is delivery of goods and services close to where people live to many people, including scholars. This objective constitutes the most important indicator of success or failure of any local government. For example, when a given locality has an outbreak of strange disease, their first point of call, is the local government dispensary or clinic; when there is insecurity of farm imputs like fertilizer, insecticide and tractors, the farmers will rush to the local government Agriculture department. When the building and roof of any primary school get blown off, you see the school headmaster and parents going to the local government education authority to complain. When feeder roads within some villages get washed by persistent rainfall, people of the community take their complaints to the local government with wider range of functions and responsibilities.
The federal government has been so enthusiastic about local government since 1987. Because of the Federal Government’s commitment to the development of the grass root level, various agencies were established to assists local government in promoting the much needed development. Such agencies include the Directorate of Food, Roads, and Rural Infrastructure (DFRRI). Agricultural Development Project (ADP). River Basin Authorities. Primary Health Care Programmes.
To enhance rapid development at grass root level, the Federal Government has made some fundamental change in local government administration and place a lot of priority on their viability. Autonomy is given to local government and also the introduction of direct and improving funding system in local government.
One wonders if our local governments have measured up to people’s expectations in terms of service delivery, revenue generation and account ability which are variable tool for efficiency management.
The delivery of goods and services which is very crucial to the maintenance of people’s confidence in their local government requires the proper maintenance of up to date accounting records on the goods and services rendered of which this project intends to examine.