The impact of manpower training and development in the oil industry in Nigeria is ascertained to know whether the manpower training and staff development are effectively organized in the oil industry in Nigeria.
It is the aim of this research work to find out scientifically uentifable conclusion on the aspect of the subject matter including training. Staff appraisal, staff development, Nigerianzation and delegation of responsibilities.
In chapter one, it contains a general discussion on the impact of manpower training and development in the oil industry in Nigeria with particular reference to shell petroleum Department Company (5pdc). It wants further to state the problem to be studied and why this study was carried out, the scope and limitation of the study and the definition of terms.
In chapter two contains the number of past related literature examined by other studies as it relates to the application of the nature of manpower in the oil industry in Nigeria, manpower process and type of training programs ETC
In chapter three deals with the design of the study, the method used In collecting relevant data and the way of distributing questionnaires and the treatment of data. This were analyzed and interpreted.
Finally, the summary of findings, conclusion on the research and recommendation made by the research are all in chapter five, therefore if individual companies put the recommendation made in the study to use, there will be improve in the manpower training and development effort in order to have available all the time a crop of trained personnel ready to fill any position that may fall vacant at any point in time.
The study is concerned with the impact of manpower training and development in the oil industry in Nigeria in order that the reader or supervisor may be in a position to fully appreciate the significance and impact of this study, an idea of the oil industry is needed including its constituted forms and possibly its economic importance to the Nigeria economy.
One thing to note is that oil in this context of study means crude oil therefore the firm considered on in this study are the exploration and production forms.
The backgrounds of this study portrays the need for training and developing new employees or staffs who are being promoted as self evident to the organization. The manpower training and development is more effective when there is additional training for effective performance. It is used to donate and teaching of the technical skills.
Lack of skilled manpower training and development has always been given as the reason for our failure to realize the objective of our national development plans in private sector the power of economy was developed rapidly as the industrial and commercial organization spreading up all over the country. Therefore, it the nation was to progress, it must plan for its future manpower training and development.