The basic objective underlying this study was the marketing of the study of the ability of the commercial bank’s by services in fund generalization or mobilization.
The study has been structured into five chapters to make for easy reading and comprehension.
Chapter one death with the background of the prevailing circumstances in the economy that necessitated the introduction of programonee intend ed to correct the imbalances in the economy. It also gives an insight into the measure, both monetary and fiscal policies estabhshed to build as strong and viable economic base for the counting’s economy.
From this other four chapters derived that base from the chapter one in order to confirm the findings, He commendations and contusions.
Though the banks have benefited from their innovativeness in product, development, certain problems were encountered by some of this banks which includes poor communication system (ie) publicity, weak base, fluctuations in interest rate arising from market forces.
In view of the findings above, recommendations have been made to help consolidate the banks effort in new product development.
However, it would be not worthy to mention here that trend in new product development has been a welcome and rewarding development in the financial sector.
Commercial bank in Nigeria render services like cash depository, agency services and granting of credit facilities such as over draft, loans etc.
And this can be said to be the stock in trade of the commercial banks. This should be effectively carried out through the use of marketing strategies.
Marketing is a new science in the service industries in Nigeria and had not been applied earlier. In banks, this had resulted to poor bank / customer relationship and reduction in the quality of services provided. the bank employ marketing strategies like promotion pricing, distribution, production differentiation etc nowadays. This project therefore is out to find the extent to which they have employed marketing strategies and its impact on the banking habit of the inhabitants of Nigeria.
To attain the above, data was collected through secondary sources such as the intensive extraction of ideas and information from both published and unpublished materials, journals etc.
Marketing in relation to commercial bank’s services in Nigeria has not been able to play its part or role in the banking sector for the reason that it is being regarded as mere advertisement or ordinary public relation.
And so marketing was linked to manufacturing firms, with service inductance such as banks, insurance etc being left to roast.