This research work, the researcher examined the problems and prospects of marketing of life assurance policies in Nigeria. The information for the study was collected using primary and secondary methods of data collection. For the primary data collection, questionnaire was used while existing literature relevant to the topic was consulted for the secondary data. The sample size was determined using Taro Yamani formula the percentage method was used for data analysis while Chi-square statistical mode was used to test the formulated hypothesis. The researcher found out that Life assurance companies in Enugu specializes in life assurance business but they are experiencing inadequate patronage. Life assurance companies use brokers, agents and partially employed salesmen in marketing of life assurance policy to the insuring public. Based on the findings the researcher recommended that Government should establish insurance educational centers which should organize lectures, seminars, educational conferences and study programmes for the good of the public.
1.1 Background of the study
In Nigeria the issue of taking life assurance policy has been neglected, in the sense that at this present time, it is estimated that not up to two percent (2%) of Nigerian’s own life assurance policies, from the research made on the internet, life assurance business is more operated and recognized in other countries such as UK, USA, Canada, Germany and other European countries, in Africa life assurance business is more recognized in South Africa for this fact, the benefits and roles life assurance plays in this country is being viewed from a very cooked point there by making it slightly visible moreover, the life assurance industry has entered on era of accelerated change as a result of increased competition, such as other life institution e.g. National Health Insurance Sector (NHIS). Hence professional marketing management is now a pre-requisite, if a company is to return or advance its position in the competition hierarchy.
Based on the investigations made on net, the major contention of this or the major aim of writing this is to pinpoint some of the challenges affecting life assurance industries in Nigeria.
1.2 Statement of problem
a. Previous studies has shown that sub-standard policies which was designed by the underwriter’s could not meet the current change in the society towards satisfying individuals needs.
b. High rate of poverty in the country that results to no interest or concern by the individuals to effect life assurance policy.
c. The low demand for life assurance policies which could b e as a result of in appropriate marketing strategies.
d. The high rate of illiteracy which affects the easy or free flow of life assurance business in Nigeria.
1.3 Objective of the Study
In this study, the main objective is to find out the problems militating against or the challenges affecting the marketing of life assurance policies in Nigeria and to proffer solutions remedy on way out of the problem or how the problem will be solved.
Those specific objectives as are as follows:
a. To know whether those policies were designed to meet the current change of the need of the individuals/ the consumers.
b. To find out how the high level of poverty in the country affects the patronage of life assurance policy.
c. To examine whether those strategic method in marketing of life assurance policies are suitable for the business in promoting the industry.
d. To find out if there is any alternative means for creating an awareness of life assurance policies to the uneducated one in the society.