2.1 Need for Mobile Devices in Education
The scenario of the Ontario study carried out by Martins (2009) is based on at least three realistic observations: According to the Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary (2004), mobile phone is a telephone that does not have wires and works by radio that can be carried with to use every where.
According to Rich Ling (2003), the mobile phone has fundamentally aected
our society, accessibility, safety, and security, co-ordination of social and
business activities and use of public places. It has just become the part of culture of every region in the world.
The craze of mobile phone started are 1980’s in the world, but it has now touched the level of esteem. First it was just for a status symbol but now it
has become a dire need of the day and is in the reach of everyone, even a person whose per month income is 2000 rupees.
According to a famous writer and researcher on mobile phone, Jon Agar (2005), until not very long ago, the mobile phone was expensive and preserve for a rich few. Today, the cell phone is everywhere and so common that it goes unnoticed. Mobile phone culture stepped in Nigeria in towards the end of the 20th century, but mobile phone got its fame are 2001 are
the establishment of some cellular networks. Now, every one person out of two in
the world and every one person out of three in Nigeria has a mobile phone.
According to the figures from Eurostate, the European Union’s in-house statistical oice
(2006) the total number of mobile phone subscribers in the
world was estimated at 2.14 billion in 2005. The subscriber count reached 2.7 billion by end of 2006, and 3.3 billion by November 2007, thus reaching
an equivalent of over half the planet’s population. Around 80% of the world’s population has access to mobile phone coverage, as of 2006. This figure is expected to increase to 90% by the year 2010. Over the last two decades educational ‘technologists‘ developed and studied uses of computers for teaching and learning in general and specifically
for accounting educational purpose. While benefits become more obvious and results have encouraged some important changes in leading
education systems (e.g.; Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden and France are only a few countries where systems in which the use of graphic and symbolic so ware
on PC or on handheld device are mandatory) availability is still an obstacle in major parts of the world for most teachers and students.