This study basically examined motivating the workforce for greater productivity in the Banking sector of the economy in the 21st century. (A case study of Zenith Bank International Plc Asaba). In X-raying the subject matter, the study made use of both primary and secondary data; the primary data were obtained from employees of the Zenith Bank International Plc Asaba. Via the answers they provided to the questionnaires administered to them, fifty (50) questionnaires were administered and the end fourth five (45) was retrieved which was used for the analysis, why the secondary data were obtained from publications related to the topic, also, hypotheses were formulated to determine the significant relationship between motivational factor and work productivity for experience staff of Zenith Bank International Plc Asaba at the end of the hypotheses test it was evident that there is a significant relationship between motivational factor and work productivity for experienced staff of Zenith Bank International Plc Asaba, in testing the hypotheses the chi-square statistics techniques (X2) was employed at 0.05 level of significance. After a comprehensive analysis, it was obvious that Zenith Bank International Plc Asaba is financially healthy and ranks among the best five in the country, it also has a rich and enviable track record of employee motivation, this explains why many regards it as the number one in the banking industry. Key recommendations were equally made to the management of the bank, which if adopted may catapult them to the next level. Conclusively, the findings of this study proved beyond doubt that motivating the workforce for greater productivity in the banking sector of the economy in the 21st century highly have the significant relationship on motivational performances, therefore, without any bins in the absences of motivation, a Bank or company maybe likened to blind man that do not see what lies ahead of him or an individual without a direction or a ship without a captain. During the course of this study, it was crystal clear that motivating the workforce for greater productivity in the Banking sector of the economy in the 21stcentury uphold in regulating the relationship between the employee and his staff.