Science is a systematic enterprise which builds and organizes knowledge in a form of testable explanation and predictions about nature (Editorial Staff 2008). Miriam Webster dictionary defined science as the knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation while According to business dictionary.com defined science as the body of knowledge comprising of measurable or variable facts acquired through application of the scientific method and generalized into scientific laws or principles. Practical is defined as an examination or lesson in which theories and procedures learned are applied to the actual making or doing of something (stock, 2009). Accident is defined as an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap (Modesty 2013). In teaching of Science the practical work is of great importance as it develops the confidence of doing something by one’s own self.
- Background of the study
School laboratory is an instructional facility where the teacher helps students and guides them through the practical aspect of scientific processes and skills for the solving of some specific problems. Laboratories are potentially dangerous work environments, often containing a wide variety of toxic, flammable, corrosive, or reactive compounds. Potentially infectious or pathogenic organisms are handled, and research often involves the use of radioactive isotopes. With the proper training, engineering controls, and administrative precautions, these risks can be effectively managed. However, accidents can and do happen. Although accidents resulting in serious injuries rarely occur in school science laboratories, schools should be on the alert at all times and take active measures to minimize the occurrence of laboratory accidents. Science curriculum requires a student to undergo practical experimentation in the laboratory with a pass of 40% of the total sore. To achieve this stated goal, the laboratory must adequately be equipped and safe to use. If laboratory hazards, signs and safety are not well taught before students are exposed to real laboratory work, they could make costly mistakes which could even claim lives. In many schools, both laboratory instructors and students are exposed to the danger of thermal and chemical burns arising from improper storage of equipment. Also many lives had been lost through carelessness and ignorance of laboratory hazards. Duyilemi in Owolabi referred to some people including many scientists of old who lost their lives or part of their bodies in scientific endeavours due to bad luck and carelessness in observing hazard signs. In the past, there were cases of external and internal poisons.
Accident is defined as an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap (Modesty 2013). In teaching of Science the practical work is of great importance as it develops the confidence of doing something by one’s own self. Practical work not only enhances the knowledge about a particular phenomenon but also explains the underlying ideas about it (Cooper &stock, 2009). Practical ‘shave an essential place in science, and safe practical practices are the most basic and fundamental parts of laboratory experiments. According to World Health Organization (2009) safety is the prevention of the adverse effects, both short- and long-term, to humans and the environment from the production, storage, transportation, use and disposal of chemicals. On this background the researcher wants to investigate nature of accident and safety practices in secondary school laboratory in education.
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