Historical Background
Korean is situated at the far eastern Asia, sharing boundaries with China and Japan. Korea’s historical and geographic importance has direct influenced on its post world war II fate, ensuring that it would become a point of contention between the Western and communist powers. The strategic location of Korea for the two major communist states, led almost inevitable to Soviet and Chinese support of North Korean aggression against Republic of Korea
The North Korea crisis, which essentially is a product of violation of nuclear Arms non proliferation treaty which the North Korea government signed with the United State, has it genesis in the cold war and post cold war politics as a result of the production of these Weapons of mass destruction by
North Korea
Korea was occupied by Soviet and American forces at the end of the World War II. Before the occupation by the Soviet Union and America, the nation had been part of the Japanese Empire since 1910. When Japanese resistance collapsed in the summer of 1945, the Soviet Red Army seized the opportunity to invade North Korea. Before this opportunity, Soviet Union had been making plans to invade Manchuria
In a similar manners, the United State troops, also invaded South Korea. The original mission of the US troops had been to invade the Japanese home. Islands Thus, it could be argued that the occupation of Korean Peninsular by both the USSR and United States of America was more by accident than by design. This properly accounts for the fact that Moscow and Washington were able to agree without any difficulty that the 38th parallel, which split the peninsular in half, would serve as line of demarcation pending the creation of a single Korea government and subsequent withdrawal of occupation forces. It is instructive to note that the withdrawer of Soviet and America troops did take place in 1948-1949, however, there was no government or who would run the country. Thus, the country remained divided with the American supported Republic of Korea in control of the south by virtue of an election sanctioned by the United Nation, when the Soviet Supported Democratic Republic of Korea ruled the north peninsula, where elections did not hold.[2] As it was the only thing unifying the country at this point was a civil war, with each side claiming to be the legitimate government and threatening the other with invasion. Thus, it evident that the ideological divided of the cold war era had taken root in the Korean peninsula with attendant implications for collective security and global peace.
Conceptual Analysis
When a word is efficiently disambiguated such that its meaning is fairly precisely specified within an area of study and distinguished from whatever is not it, it becomes a concept. It was in this light that Giovani Sartori pointed out that “whatever we know is mediated by a language, if not by the language we known it.”
One word could describe more than one reality and several words could be used to describe one reality of this lack of precision, Aristotle has written that “not to have one meaning is to have no meaning at all” In view of this, it would be for clarity purpose, to explain the concept of nuclear arms, proliferation and security as it applies in this work.
Nuclear Arms
The Journal of military studies describes Nuclear Arms as explosive derives. That is destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fusion or a combination of fission and fusion. Both reactions release vast quantities of energy from relatively small amount of matter, a modern thermonuclear weapon weighing little more than a thousand kilograms can produce an explosion comparable to the detonation of more than one billion kilograms of conventional high explosives. In another sense, because of the devastating power of nuclear arms, they are therefore described as weapons of mass destruction.
The United State Defense Studies sees nuclear arms weapons as capable of killing large number of humans or cause of great damage to manmade structures or the biosphere. It argued that the term nuclear predominantly arms covers several weapon type, including nuclear, biology, chemical (NBC) and radiological weapons.