THE EFFECT OF PERSONAL SELLING IN THE MARKETING PERFORMANCE PRODUCT (A Case Study of First Aluminium Extrusion Company Plc Rivers State).
In our locality where the patronage of industrial product is not common on high, firm involve must devise means to keep their head above water in terms of sales and cost of making sales. The marketing performance of industrial product in our locality must be buttressed by the use of effective tools to increase sales. To this, the firms involved have to use the appropriate tool or means that will pay for the cost of using it. Hence, firms consider the use of personal selling in marketing their products. When all the theorist and planners have had their moment and the production, finance and labour problems have been solved, then someone somewhere has to go out and knock on someone’s door. This treatise is hence looking at the effect of personal selling on the marketing performance of industrial product. Though firm may complain that game does not always worth the candle, personal selling has been considered to be the most effective in attracting customers especially where the sales is not high. As this work progresses, the good and the bad side of the personal selling as a promotional tools to boost the sales of industrial product will be divulge.
Title page = = = = = = = = i
Approval Page = = = = = = = = ii
Dedication = = = = = = = = iii
Acknowledgement = = = = = = = iv
Abstract = = = = = = = = = v
Table of Content = = = = = = = vi
1.0 Introduction = = = = = = =1
1.1 Background of the Study = = = = =2-4
1.2 Statement of the Problems = = = =5
1.3 Purpose/Objectives of the Study = = =5-6
1.4 Research Questions = = = = = =
1.5 Significance of the Study = = = =7-8
1.6 Scope/ Limitation of the Study = = = =9
1.7 Definition of Terms = = = = = =9
2.0 Literature Review = = = = = =10
2.1 Definition of Personal Selling = = = =10-11
2.2 Conditions for use of Personal Selling For
Industrial product = = = = = =11-13
2.3 Approaches for use of Personal Selling in =13-15 Marketing Performance Industrial Products 15-17
2.4 The Role of the Sales Force = = = 17-26
2.5 managing the sales force = = = 27-28
2.6 Industrial Products = = = = = =
References = = = = = = 29
3.0 Research Methodology = = = = = 30
3.1 Area of Coverage = = = = = = 30
3.2 Research Design = = = = = = 30
3.3 Sources/Methods of Data Collection = =31
3.4 Population = = = = = = = 31
3.5 Sample Size Determination = = = =
3.6 Sampling Method/Procedures = = = = 32
3.7 Description of Data Analysis Techniques = =33
3.8 Assumption and Limitations = = = =33
4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data = = =34
Introduction = = = = = = = =34
4.1 Allocation and Return of Questionnaire = =34
4.2 Presentation of Data = = = = =35-42
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations =43
5.1 Summary of Findings = = = = =43-44
5.2 Conclusion = = = = = = =44
5.3 Recommendations = = = = = =45-46
References = = = = = = ==47-48
Appendix = = = = = = = =49
Questionnaires = = = = = = =50-52
This chapter covers the introductory aspect of this project work. It discuses the effect of personal selling in the marketing performance of industrial product, the problems needed to be solved in the chapter to follow, the objectives of the study was also look into be able to solve the problem.
Every organization has an objective to achieve its objective, organization has to formulate and implement a policy from time to time on personal selling. Adherence to such policies will promote the interest of customers.
Personal selling has been tested and proved to be effective but very costly for a firm to adopt. In an ear where relationship marketing has become increasing understood and accepted as the contemporary approach to marketing theory and practice, so personal selling characterises the importance of strong relationship between vender and buyer.
Effectiveness of personal selling activities can be observed at various stages in the buying process of both the consumer and business-to-business markets.