- Title Page
- Certification
- Declaration
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Abstract
- Table of content
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purpose of Study
1.4 Research Question
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.8 Scope of the study
1.7 Limitation of Study
1.8 Definition of term
2.1 Brief Introduction
2.2 Conceptual Framework
2.3 Theoretical Framework
2.4 The concept of training and development
2.5 Training and Development
2.6 Impact of Personnel Training and Development on Job Performance
2.7 Developing Staff Orientation Programmes
2.8 Dimensions of Training and Development
2.9 Management Development
2.10 Benefits of Personnel Training and Development to Employees
2.11 Factors Influencing Development and Training
2.12 Design Structure of Effective Training
2.13 Importance of Personnel Training and Development
2.14 Purpose of Employees Training and Development Process
2.15 Lack of Trust and Openness
3.1 Brief introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Area of Study
3.4 Population of Study
3.5 Sample Size and Sampling technique
3.6 Method of Data collection
3.7 Description of instrument
3.8 Method of Data Analysis
3.9 Statistical Procedure
4.1 Brief introduction
4.2 Analysis of Questionnaire
4.3 Analysis of Questionnaire according to Respondents Response
4.4 Test of Hypothesis
5.1 Brief introduction
5.2 Summary of finding
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
1.1 Background of the Study
A number of factors are known to have influenced employees participation and achievement in an organization.
Societies have experienced social and cultural changes brought about, by the emergence of a new information and communication technologies and the efficiently of most employee leading to the form of development.
Continuous learning is essential to the ongoing success of any organization.
It allows employee of any organization to cope and also excel at maintain competitive advantage, so it comes as a surprise to find that many organization don’t measure the impact of their staff training and development performance.
The observation of Onuka (2010) implies that it is the constitutes its wealth.
It follows, therefore, that employee’s performance in respect of achieving organizational goals and successes is a function of the quantum of the relevant skills and knowledge, and positive work attitude they have been able to acquired from constant personnel training and developmental programmes whether through committed on the job training programmes or out of work training course they attended.
Omde (2004) posits that personnel training and development involves providing learning intervention and planning, conducting and evaluating training programmes.
The need for improved performance on productivity in an organization has become universally accepted phenomenon that depends on efficient and effective personnel development. It has further became necessary, in view of modern global advancement, to invest in human capital training and development. Thus, the role played by staff training and development can no longer be over emphasized. By implication therefore, the need for organization to take employees development training programme for their employee seriously has become an underspeakable imperative. Absence of such employees training and development programmes in an organization often manifest tilpartile problems of incompetence, inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Onbabor (2012) summits that training and development is aimed at developing competences, such as technical human, conceptual and management for the fur therance of individual and organizational growers, while Isgake (2010) postuates that the process of training and development is a continuous one.
The most important resource of any organization is its workforce (that is, the staff). They are the ones that supply the organization with works, talent, derive creativity and as such, it is a process of planning, organization, implementing and educating personnel resources in an organization to ensure their best’s used for the achievement of objectives and goals. Once an applicant has been selected and placed properly by his organization the next step is to transform him to meet the picture requirement of the organization. Such transformation is done by means of training and development.
For organizational goals and objectives to be attained, effective, proficient and adapt personnel resources is vital and imperative in every outfit. This is because human beings constitute a vital part of any organization and determined these, acts as building blocks and backbones of any organization and determines the level of productivity in the organization.
Abiodum (2008), said human resources are the most potent assets that any organization processes without then machinery equipment materials and even capital of the company will amount to nothing as gets done without input of the personnel resource of the organization.
Simdoby, Resis (2007) affirmed that all activities of any enterprise are initiated and determine by the persons that make up this institution.
He said further that the plants computers automated equipment and all other machines that a modern organization use are direction. He therefore concluded that every aspect of a firms activity is determined by the competence are effectiveness of the human beings.
According to Adengi (2003), personnel training and development is a very significant contribution to the overall effectiveness and profitability of an organization for Yajama (2010) the effectiveness and profitability performance, success of an organization lies on the people who form and work within the organization.
Griffin (2010), Ajibade Creuel (2011), have all drawn attention of all and Sundry to the inestimable value of training and development. According to them, it is an avence to acquire additional and new knowledge; and develop further the skill and techniques to function effectively in the even dynamic world in which we belong and live. Thus training is obviously indispensable not only in the development of the individual but also in facilitating the productive capacity of the worker and thus that caring or persuading people to do what is wanted but rather a process of creating organizational conditions that will cause personnel to strive for better performance.
The Cawel nature of National enterprises have over reflected on emphasis of high profitability without due consideration of the training and development of employee.
What could be responsible for this, this is really noticed in the National enterprise where the employee’s private lives are Jeopardized in the course of trying to meet the high demands and targets of the management.
It is seen that workers are trained when they are newly employed. Some are also trained on the job, promotion or transfer of employees to another department. But so many organizations fails to train their employees, based on how costly it is.
This is a problem that can decreased the level of performance in an organization, lack of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating personnel resource could affect the achievement of objectives and goods. These and many problems is what the research will seek answers to.
Since personnel training needs are to be tapped for the realization of workers performance in organization, the objective are as follows:
- To examine the existence of personnel training for motivation of workers for efficient performance
- To establish if there is relationship between personnel training and development and employee’s performance
- To examine the concept of training and development as it affects employee’s performance
- To find out if training and development brings about efficiency in agency delivery performance
The research questions are as follows:
- Does the management of organizations consider training of staff as a top priority?
- Is there any relationship between personnel training and development and employee’s performance?
- Does personnel training motivates workers for efficient performance?
- Does training of staff increase productivity and efficiency?
- Does the management arrange regular training for the staff of this organization?
- What do you think can be done to improve the performance of employees in this organization?
- Do you think that staff who under go training and development often perform better?
- Does training and development bring about effectiveness in-agency delivery?
Hypothesis generally is an assumption taken to be true for the purpose of the argument or investigation.
The following hypothesis was formulated for the study of let .null hypothesis be Ho and alternative hypothesis be Hi.
Hypothesis One
Ho: There is a significant relationship between training and development and employee’s performance.
Hi: there is a significant relationship between training and development and employee’s performance.
Hypothesis two
Ho: management of organizations does not consider training of staff as atop priority.
Hi: management of organizations considers training of staffs as a top priority.
This study is designed to be of great benefit to manager, Supervisor, management and those who are interested in over coming problems of personnel training and how productivity to enhance a more conducive performance and to bring the emergency of the labour unrest.
The major reasons for this research work is to enable the researcher to have an in-depth study of the effect of training and development as a means of increasing performance in an organization.
It will give the organization the opportunity to predict the performance of workers using the training and development as a parameter.
It is expected that the result of the study wild open way for future researchers.
This study concentrated on the personnel training and development as a means of increasing performance in an organization.
It helps an organization to achieve their goals and objectives lat the right time, creating competence within employees in organization.
It helps the management to know the satisfaction levels of employees and how they can take measures to increase productivity.
The study is conducted tog know the level of knowledge and skills given to the employees in the organization. It helps the management to prepare their own report.
It helps the management to prevent relapse the organization.
In National to carryout research is usually found with some difficulties mostly due to ignorance dishonesty, lack of trust and many problems.
However, the study is time constraint: since academic calendar has already been fixed by the school no avenue for amendment and academic work is time consuming limited time-frame was allocated to project work which also contributed to limitation.
Financial constraint: In ability to access various place together material for the study as a result of inadequate funds also hampered the progress of the study.
bwugknpuvf says
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?