The only viable means by which any manufacturer or producer could effectively project and maintain the standard of his products or services’ patronage and awareness is by effective and continous awareness or advertisement.
This awareness is what stimulates the attention of the public and then gets them attracted to your products or services. This awareness does not only tell the public that the products and services are there but it provides arranged information of the benefits any consumer of such goods or services is bond to receive. Advertising however gives the public the knowledge of the advantages and the disirable qualities of products or services available to them.
It could be said that the sole aim of advertising is to persuade, convice and attract the attention of the public to a particular product and this in turn leads to patronage.
In awareness creation for products or services, considerations should be given to the “target audience”, that is the category of people that the products are meant for, the location of the people, the peopl’s belief, their culture and customs. When these points are properly considered then the awarenes could be centered effectively.
There are so many ways of advertising, amongs the numerous ways are through the electronic media and the print media. With these layout, we can find out that complete effective advertsing involves a high degree of creativity.
As we shall be discussing the printing aspect of advertising, it will be fine to let people know that for any good print of information for advertising or awareness, te print must process some lay down qualities.
(a) It must be able to inform: it should be capable of telling the viewer about the product, creating the awareness to the viewer about the existence.
(b) It must be able to educate: it should be able to educate the viewer of what benefit the product could be to the user/consumer and where the advertised products could be found or located. It must also be capable of convincing the public that the said product ‘A’ is better than products ‘B’, ‘C’ and so on.
(c) It must be entertaining: this is refered to the aestethic value of the entire advert package, the way
The artist has managed to arrange his printed advert, this aspect is very important because the way the printed advert looks may as well influence the patronage of the products/services positively or negatively, the motivation an individual by looking at a poster may gear up his feelings and the action may lead to the purchase of the product advertised and consequently creating demand for that product.
Printing especially the screen printing process was invented in the seventeeth (17th) century by some ya – ya – zon. But the process of printing with silk screen became popular in the mid 20th century when the artist began to exploit the process in a number of ways and techniques. And today it has become the most versatile of all known printing processes in advertising. Screen printing is a stencil process whereby ink is forced by the pressure of a squeegee, through the open areas of a stencil attached to a stretched fine meshed fabric. It will always print easily on any flat surface paper, plastic or glass screen are semi liquid, strongly coloured and opaque to give a maximum colour value.
Most Business enterprises and their likes has failed and lost focuses as a result of poor rendation of advertisement, this means that the power of advertising an promotional strategies is being neglected, so many enterprises has hit the rock due to the present trend of bad economy this is the situation where an enterprise cannot afford to give all that it takes to reach to the required standard in advertising and it is through this advertising principles that the growth of the business is founded upon.
This project report is basically focussed on testing printing on different surfaces and materials using different methods of printing techniques like the screen prints, Block prints and stencil print. This is meant to find out their effects on different kinds of papers and fabric. One oath to know that there must be a very significant difference between a print through scree on a fabric and a screen print on a paper, this is the same with block prints and stencil. All the same, the type of ink used in achieving a good print using screen method cannot be the same with the ink which achieve a good print using block print or stencil method.
Another aim is to provide knowledge to people concerned with advertising the best approach to printing, this will enable people to know the like of the result of what they wish to achieve even before they engage in the said work.
In general this is attempted to make work easy for any advertiser and students of arts in this institution. Just the way there is colour chart for paint industries and companies, the project intend to have a chart/album for easy approach and study.
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