This project is written as a result of properly carried out research work based on problem of managing public enterprises in Nigeria most especially he power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) owerri district. This project is designed to provide adequate and reliable information toward a through under standing of the problem of managing public enterprises in Nigeria. it also highlights the concepts of management principle of management problems of the power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) as a public enterises in Nigeria likewise ways of improving the nature of public enterprises and other related issues.
This project will be helpful to meet the needs of student in polytechnic and universities who are offering course in Public Administration or public enterprises Management as well as those carrying out research projects.
A public enterprises like Power Holding Company Nigeria (PHCN) is an organized set up as a cooperate body and as part of the government apparatus for an entrepreneurial or entrepreneurial like objectives (Laleye in Adsamolekun, 2002:28). But the public service represents the institutional framework for administration of the state. It comprises of the civil service, the legislature, Judiciary, the school system. These parastatus and the local government system, the public service provide s the structural framework for the formulation and implementation of government policies and programmes. There it is imperative to note here that the civil service and the public service (Adebayo, 1995:940) the public enterprises combines the features of the public administration with the key of attributes of a private enterprises. The establishment of these enterprises or parastatal results from the desire to infuse more flexibility transparency and more government activities and this has virtually become the feature of every modern state generally speaking the Power Holding Company Nigeria which was established in 1957 for the purpose of providing constant power supply nation wide.
But prior to the establishment of PHCN was in existence, the electricity corporation of Nigeria (ECN). The current managing director (MD) of PHCN in the whole federation is Engineer Joseph makoju, while the business manager of power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) Owerri district is made up of different staff or nonce’s basic on the specific functions they perform. PHCN Owerri district has a total of seven hundred and fifty (750) workers. Power Holding Company of Nigeria being a public enterprises ha hierarchical system of administration like wise upward and downward system of communication.
PHCN is know and regarded as office of the important of public enterprises and as public enterprises, it is posed with many problematic situation on their course of providing constant electricity generation nation wide or within area of district. Most of the problems faced by PHCN department or office in Owerri are as follows
- problem of monopoly
- bribery and corruption
- Abnormality in perpetual billing
- There is misuse of facilities available to the corporate
- True are of inefficiency
- Problems of vanadalization of PHCN’s equipment
- The collapse of the nation grid system
The objectives and purpose of the study is a reflection of concern of may workers in public enterprises and student on how effectives and efficient management can be improved in an enterprises.
To enable it positively effect organization performance action towards the welfare of enterprise
The objective of this project into the management behavior of workers on the subject matter.
- The objectives of this study is direct towards determining job satisfaction and good understanding between the employee and their management.
- It is directed towards determing effectiveness and efficiency in public enterprises like wise other enterprises.
- The objective of this study shows clearly communication in public enterprises and how this communication helps in planning and decision making.
- It also shows effective communication persuades workers to put more effort o their duties.
- Finally, the objectives also directed towards applying Fayol’s 14 principles of management in order to achieve organizational goals.
This study covers the following department Power Holding Company of Nigeria namely:
- personal department
- finance and accounting department
- production department
- Administrative department
- Sales/commercial department
- Workers department
- Records and statistical department
- Drawing department etc.
A proper carried out study of this nature cannot be actualized without some form of constraints.
Below are the constraints of difficulties which researcher consider pertinent to mention as
- Time constraints
- High cost of printing materials
- Data collected/finance
Public enterprises is very important in the country. It leads to the development of the country.
This significant of the study lays in the ability to highlight the constraints of public enterprises. As a matter of fact, a study of the factor, which made these public enterprises rough, nail contribute to better understanding of the problem.
In this regard, these study nails on doing to educate and include the Nigeria public enterprises.
It is believe that this research nail do not add to the existing. Literature on public enterprises in this country.
For the reasons of gaining a better insight into this study, few hypotheses are hereby adopted to the question already posed and the following hypothesis are started to be rejected or accepted.
Ho: That PHCN owerri zone has adequate motivational management skills interims of delivering effective and efficient administration function to it’s customers or consumers.
H1: That PHCN Owerri zone has no adequate motivation management skills interims of delivery management skills in terms of delivering effective and efficient administrative function it’s customer or consumers.
This has to do with brief definition of some terminologies used by research while writing this project.
Public corporations or statutory could also be defined as these enterprises with legal or corporate identity which are established either by the federal or state government under specific statutes, Act of parliament, Decrees or Edicts for particular business or financial purpose. They ar3e corporate bodies created by the legislature, each with definite powers and function and financially independent, and having a clear-cut Jurisdiction over a specified area or over a particular type of commercial undertaking.
The statutory corporation or government parastatal as it is commonly called in Nigeria applies when government assumes responsibility for the management of an economic and social pursuit through a special entity that has it’s own legal personality and still keeps some of the special prerogatives or privileges associated with a government organization (Laleye inAdamolekun, 2002:30).
This has to do with wrong systematic approach used by PHCN officials toward billing their customers that is : they don’t care about whether you have light or not rather all they used is pay bill or you face the written of being disconnected.
This is a patent right given to a company corporation or
public enterprises as the sole producer or market of a particular product or service in the country.
This is the inability to manage ones own resource effectively, the power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) has been known over the years for its inefficiencies and mismanagement in the supply of power. Their level of incompetence and inefficiencies manifested in 1997 with regards to a nation wide blackout that lasted for ten hours.