Problem and prospect of managing small scale business in Nigeria. Small scale business contribute to a large extent to the growth of the economy of any nation, but now they are been faced with a lot of problems and challenges. When the researchers examine the records of National association of small-scale industries the researchers discovered that not all the small-scale industries that registered are in operation today. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems facing small-scale business in Nigeria, also to reveal the importance of small-scale business in a developing economy. The view of other related literature was also reviewed in this work. During the course of writing the project the survey research method was the research method used. Simple random sample technique was the sampling technique used, thirty five out of forty of the staff were randomly selected. However, personal observation, close ended questionnaire and oral interview are the techniques the researchers used to collect data the data was analysed using table and simple percentage. After the analysis of the data collected the researchers found out that some of the problems that small-scale business in the country are facing are lack of fund, inadequate infrastructural facilities, poor management personal etc. Finally, summary, conclusion and recommendations were made for the completion of this work. Some of the recommendations are appropriate credit guarantee scheme should be established and the support from credit Burean development, establishment of training center or institution for the training of personal etc.