Stripped of all technicalities, implementation problem in most developing nations is the problem of a reddening gap between intentions and results. Honadle (1991) tried to identify the problem associated with policy implementation as that of social carpenters and masons who fail to build to specifications and thus distort the blueprint. He was equating policy with building plan. Quoting him he said.
“Implication is the nemesis of designers, it conjures up images of plans gone every end of social carpenters and masons who fail to build to specifications and thereby distort the beautiful blue prints for progress which were handed to them”.
The above quotations show the importance that is attached to policy implementation and those that are responsible for implementing these policies. It is shown that no matter how beautiful the blue print of a programme is, a defective implementation of it will make nonsense of the whole programme.
The situation as described by Honadle above is what goes on in Nigeria. As stated by Eyonmuan (1971) implementation in these country often turns out to be the graveyard of policy where the intentions of the designer of policies are often undermined by a constellation in cooperation with people little attention is paid to the subject of policy implementation by policy decision makers while it is often taken for granted that once a policy is adopted by government it must be implemented and the desired goals achieved. There is policy failure when there is a sizeable gap between a policy decision and its implementation. Such a gap is characterized. For example, by the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer in spite of the stated policy goal to the contrary.
Despite the plethora of 7 point agenda which past government had initiated and implemented, by 1999 when the Obasanjo administration came to power a World Bank report indicated that Nigeria’s Human Development Index (HDI) was only 0416 and that about 70 percent of the population was negating below the brand line.
In the course of this work, a lot of problems emerged. It therefore sets out to address the following problems.
- What is 7 point Agenda?
- Why did Nigeria adopt 7 point agenda as economic measures measures of policy implementation?
- What was the objective sort to achieve by 7 point agenda on the economy?
The objectives of the study are as follows:
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