Environment friendly practices are those policies which are concerned with the environmental protection processes and further ensure that there is a logical determination of the costs of environment degradation due to in due to industrial activities and internalize them to co-operate accounts to the extent possible.
Scholars from the discipline are called environmental management technology are of the opinion than man is naturally an environmental animals this means that man is born into an environment s, the environment on the other hand entails all the surroundings where man exists. Man is therefore called by nature to protect his environment since life is Co-ever to each other. These calls to protect environment entails some methodologist, which are what this seminar work seems to explain, it is a facer chapter work where chapter one treats with an introduction, the concept of the environment, chapter two focus on the authors/scholars on environmental study, chapter three highlights the methodological approach towards environmental protection while four evaluates the work, perhaps with some recommendation.
Environmental friendly practices Also called “eco-friendly,” is refers to any product or service that is not harmful to the atmosphere or surroundings. It also implies that the same precautions were taken in the manufacturing of the product. |
The term is applied to systems and products that save energy directly or indirectly. For example, capturing rainwater saves the energy required to pump the water from a well and also lessens flooding and other runoff problems.
Man sustains from the environment where they exist and the environment is man itself with things that surround it. That is man and animal as well as plants, water, sand etc. The protection of environment through the adoption of environmental friendly practices and approaches includes the awareness of the environmental and mans ability to cause damage done disclosing commercial services and at all levels whether micro, meso and macro, some chemicals or sewages comes out from the industries damages the environment whereby those chemical contaminates our drinking water which cause harm to the body when consumed, these chemicals also damage the soil nutrients whereas the crops planted could not field very well.
Also these protections of environment became concerned with achieving new goal such as measured and evaluated potential or actual environmental impacts of projects and organizations. These new goals are of great importance as they enable many users to take different decisions that are economically and environmentally sound. {Bala and fusuf, 2003}, the governments and the rulers of the towns should embark on the important of the A forestation, also the idea of constructing a reneges to protects the environments.