The study aims at providing a research work on the provision and utilization of physical education facilities and equipment in secondary schools in Nkanu Education zone. In this study, descriptive survey research design was used. Population. For the study comprised all the principals and professional physical education teachers in public funded secondary schools in the zone. The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire which was developed on four point scale ofstrongly agreed, agreed, disagreed and strongly disagreed. Data collected from the respondents were analysed using mean and standard deviation. A mean of 2.50 and above is the acceptance level Chi-square test statistics was used to test the null hypothesis formulated for the study. Specific Objectives and research question were formulated to guide the study. Education facilities and equipment for team sports that are planned for in secondary schools ion Nkanu education zone.The following findings were revealed. Physical education facilities that are planned for in Nkanu education zone secondary schools for team sports are football pitches, handball court, volley- ball court and in some cases basketball courts. Physical education facilities for team sports that are provided for in secondary schools in Nkanu education zone are football pitches handball and volleyball.Physical education facilities for team sports that are utilized in secondary schools in Nkanu education zone are football pitchesPhysical education equipment for individual and team sports that are provided in Nkanu education zone are football, track and field events, volleyball, hand ball and basketball. Physical education equipment for team and individual sports that are utilized insecondary schools in Nkanu education zone are football, and volleyball only.
Table Of Contents
Title page i
Approval page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of contents vii
List table viii
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
Background to the study 1
Statement of the Problem 9
Purpose of the Study 11
Research Questions 12
Hypotheses 12
Significance of the Study 13
Scope of the Study 14
Geographical scope 15
Conceptual framework 16
Theoretical Framework 19
Operant Conditioning Theory 20
Theory of Conditioning 21
Empirical Studies on the Research Work 30
Summary of Literature Review 34
Design of the Study 37
Area of the study 37
Population for the study 37
Sample and sampling technique 38
Instrument for Data Collection 38
Validity of the Instrument 38
Method of Data Collection 39
Method of Data analysis 39
Result 40
Summary of the findings 52
Discussion of the finding 53
Summary of Major Findings 56
Conclusion 57
Recommendation 58
Suggestions for Further Research 59
References 60
Appendices 65
Questionnaire 66
List Table
Table 1: What are the physical education facilities for team sports
that are planned for in Nkanu education zone 40
Table 2: What are the physical education facilities for individual
and team sportthat are provided for in Nkanu
education zone. 42
Table 3: What are the physical education facilities for team and
individualsports that are utilized in Nkanu education zone. 44
Table 4: What are the physical education Equipment for
team and individualsports that are provided in Nkanu
education zone 46
Table 5: What are the physical education equipment for
individualand team sports that are planned for secondary
schoolsin Nkanu education zone. 48
Table 6: What are the physical education equipment that are
utilized in Nkanueducation zone secondary schools. 49
Table 7: Decision t-table on the mean response of principals
and P.E teacherson the provision of P.E facilities to schools; 50
Table 8: Decision t-test table on the mean responses of principals and physicaleducation teachers on the utilization of physical education equipment in Nkanu education zone secondary
schools. 51
Background to the study
Provision and utilization of physical education, facilities and equipmentin secondary school such as ball games, sports courts, weight and exercise rooms, foot ball pitches, arenas, climbing walls and gymnasiainclude not only the effective scheduling, operation and maintenance of such facilities, supplies and equipmentbut also at times planning new structures to keep pace with the demand for participation in physicals education and sports programme of the school. Flynn (2011) opined that order to catch them young Nigeria secondary schools physical education requires a variety ofphysical education facilities, supplies and equipment both indoors and outdoors. The relative needs of the students should be recognized in the planning of facilities, scheduling for their use and the purchase of supplies and equipment need vary according to wide range of factors, including the level of programme or participants, age of the student group, type of activity being offered, number of participants and of course finance.
Abikoye, (2010) stated that provision and utilization of physical education facilities, equipment and supplies are important aspect of physical education and sports management. Excellent programme is the key word in physical education and sports competition and this requires well equipped good play ground for training, standard facilities and equipment are essential pre-requisites to good and impressive performance. Lack of adequate and standard facilities and equipment hampers physical education programmes in many ways.
Adedeji (2010 pointed out that there must be sufficient motivation in the form of attractiveness of facilities, equipment and supplies to captivate students’ interest to participate in games. Facilities and equipment in this country are simply not good enough and arehindrance to physical education. Okomma (2012) stated that effective performance of physical education programmes in secondary schools involve the determination, allocation and proper plans, construction and selection of materials for easier maintenance.Nothing is more embarrassing than a new facility that is a maintenance nightmare because of poor management decisions in design and planning phases of the construction processes.
Cohen (2011) stated that secondary school physical education programme is characterized by individual and life time sports as well as by team game activities. This emphasis, together with the popularity of recreational and inter-scholastic sports and the fact that facilities, equipment and supplies are typically needed for recreational use, there is the need to provide such items for effective utilization in secondary schools. Individual sports are sports that can be played individually. Example of such sports are table tennis, lawn tennis badminton, field and track events Judo Tekwondo while team sports are ball games such as Volleyball, Handball, Basketball, Football, Cricket Hockey etc.
Provision and utilization of sports facilities and equipment in secondary school P.E activities as they affect school sports programme is an applied programme which focuses on ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the utilization of human, materials, monies and machines. Jamerson (2010) states that facilities determine to a large extent the quality of the environment where the intramural activities take place. This statement may imply that the success and excellence in school sports program hinges on the adequate provision of facilities and equipment. In the same vein, facilities and equipment should be maintained for their durability.Buzzle (2012) affirmed that any school whether new or old, whether small or big needs to run their physical education programmes smoothly and achieve the goals and objectives which it has set for itself. For this to happen, they must develop and provide their own management concepts,there are basically four management concepts that allow any school to take control of its destiny. These four concepts of management are: Planning, organizing, leading/directing and controlling. Planning in physical education, school programme is the foundation pillar of P.E management. It is the base upon which all other areas of management are built. Planning requires administration to assess where the facilities and type of equipment are to be provided. It also es the situation of school sports programme now and where it would be in the upcoming year. From there, an appropriate course of action is determined and implemented to attain the school goals and objectives.
In physical education programme, planning is an unending course of action. There may be sudden strategies to be implemented when facing crisis. There are external factors that constantly affect a school both positively and negatively depending on the conditions a school may have to alter its course of action in accomplishing certain goals. This kind of preparation or arrangement is known as strategic planning. In strategic planning the physical education specialists analyses internal and external factors that may affect the school physical education programme of the school, its objectives and goals. Here, they will engage in a study of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis).
This second function of management is to organize. Management must organize all its resources before hand to put into practice the course action which has been decided upon in the base function of planning. In this case, management will now determine the inside directorial configuration, establish and maintain relationships and also assign required resources. While determining the inside directorial configuration, P.E managers ought to look at different division or departments during planning and provision of physical education facilities and equipment. They must also ensure the harmonization of staff and try to find out the best way to handle the important tasks and reduce unnecessary expenditure. The principal in collaboration with physical education specialists determines how the students should be participating in the P.E activities according to its needs. The third function of management of P.E facilities and equipment is to lead and direct. Working under this function helps the school P.E management in controlling and supervising the action of students. This helps them in assisting the staff to achieve the desired physical education goals and accomplish their individual career goals which can be powered by motivation. It is very important to maintain a productive working environment, build positive interpersonal relationships and engage in problem solving. This can only be done effectively with proper communication, understanding the communication process and working on areas that need improvement helps managers become more effective communicators.
The final function of management of P.E. facilities and equipment is to control. In an effort to solve performance problems, management should set high standards. They should clearly speak to the students or group of individuals that has problem in the contrary, if there are inadequate resources or other external factors which prevent high standard from being attained; management has to lower their standard as per requirement. This controlling process in comparison with other three is a continuous process.
Weiskopt (2010) observed that physical education is one of the oldest forms of education because man’s development has never been disassociated from physical activities. This phase of education is gained through sports and other kinds of physical activities which necessitate the use of the large fundamental muscles of the body, to promote the physical and social development as well as the mental well-being of the individual.
Ikhioya (2011) stated that provision of P.E facilities involves the effective manipulation of (4 ms) in sport-men, materials, money and machines. In this case, men refers to athletes, officials, fans, and spectators materials are sport facilities and equipment, money is the fund available for sports and machines refer to score board, auto equipment and sports goods. Egbo (2010) stressed that when P.E facilities and equipment are properly managed their life span is prolonged and some form of unnecessary cost is saved.
Smith and Schutz (2011) suggested facilities and equipment should be in secondary schools and managed in such a way that every child must have opportunity to participate in any of the moral sports programmes. This has to be done by giving students proper and co-odinated orientation about the values and after school recreational importance of physical education and sports.
Morakiroyo (2011) states that utilization of P.E. facilities and equipments is a social phenomenon that has grown from its humble beginning of being an entertainment and recreation to becoming a viable and prominent business phenomenon that could no more be ignored in the social, political and economic environment of any nation. P.E. have existed to become a big organization that one frequently reads about in the news media. This latest development can be classified as favourable. Without effective management, it will be almost impossible to form any type of organization where they are formal; it will not function effectively and efficiently.
According to Covell, Walker, Siciliano and Hess (2010) a sports manager is that person (male or female) that is charged with the responsibility of harnessing human and material resources available for sports to enhance sports participation, development and excellence. This personality has many nomenclatures such as games master/mistress, college coach/sports coordinators.Equipment is not an end on its self but a means to an end. It is a continuous process or trying to optimize performance by taking into consideration the past, present and future in order to advance reasons for poor performance and proffer appropriate solutions.
Oseni (2011) stated that proper provision and utilization of school physical education facilities and equipment constitutes an important part of school management. That means that physical education facilities and equipment maintenance intellectually demanding job and therefore require combined talent and activity of sports administrator. The effective management of the existing resources would demand that school administrators make appropriate policies, objectives and programmes towards ensuring adequate facility utilization and maintenance culture. It also demands that administrators will at the same time conduct regular inventory of school physical education facilities and equipment which would help them to make necessary report and initiate necessary action.
Abikoye (2010) describedP.E equipment and facilities to the site where school sports programmes and activities take place or the environment where the school sports curriculum is implemented. It can be said to be physical expression of the school sports programmes which can mean a consciously designed and controlled environment with the sole aim of promoting participation in physical education and sports activities within the school. It is the putting together of facilities to protect the physical well-being of the individuals associated with sports.
Olson (2010) observed that provision and utilization of P.E. facility and equipment provision in secondary school are ensured by constant consolidation of materials and technological basis of physical education movement,the provision of P.Eequipment and facilities as well as the mass participation in P.E activities, also important are planned desire to teachers and coaches in specialized higher and secondary educational institutions and regular physical examination for students that participate in physical education and sports. Physical education is becoming increasingly important in society. This is because it helps to minimize the distinctions between sedentary and physical labour, raises labour productivity, improves health and promotes physical culture and sports. Inspite the importance of physical education in the schools, compulsory school activities tend to stress the management of physical education facilities and equipment thereby making proper overall physical education impossible.
Walker (2010) stated thatprovision and utilization of P.E facility are important for the overall development of the human personality. Physical education and sports means bodily education such as is given in schools of gymnastics and by military exercise. The youths are particularly in need of joy of life and cheerfulness. Provision of P.E facilities and equipment in secondary schools will result to healthy sports , such as gymnastics, swimming, excursions, physical exercise of every description. Participating in physical education and sports has to start from an early age because it leads to harmonious development of person moral, intellectual, and physical qualities
Provisionof physical education facilities and equipment is important means and method of physical education activities. The competitive nature of sports is also important in education and systematic physical training is necessary for high achievement in sports.
Wofford (2010) posited that research and evaluation in physical education and sports should make for the progress of all forms of sports and help to bring about an improvement in the health and safety of participations as well as in training methods and organization and management procedures. Scientific research whose social implications in the management of physical education facilities and equipment should not be overlooked but must be oriented in such a way that it does not allow of improper applications to physical education and sport.
Popke (2010) stated that it is through provision and utilization of physical education facilities and equipment that cooperation and the pursuit of mutual interest in the universal language of physical education and sport could be achieved. Proper management and good orientation of the importance of participation in physical education and sports will help to contribute to the preservation of lasting peace of the organic systems of the body, mutual respect, and friendship among participants. Physical education facility management is intended to strengthen ones health and harmoniously develop the body. It improves ones physical attributes and skills; helps develop and perfect motor skills necessary in everyday life and work and eventually deed to physical perfection.
Miller (2010) posited that the dividend which provision and utilization of P.E facilities and equipment yields are physical exercises (specially selected natural movements and series of movements such as those used in gymnastics and track and field), Various sports and hardening of the body using healthful natural fork such as air, sun, and water. Also important are the observance of healthful habits at work and in daily life and mastering of special knowledge and skills for exercising and maintaining personal and public hygiene. The goals, content, management and of physical education stimulate interest in participation.
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