1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study
In the downtrend of the socio-economic status of a nation, a situation where the economic stability of a nation shakes, the need for an individual to choose rightful paths that will lead to uninterrupted and life-changing career is highly required. In essence, in any economic crisis nation like Nigeria, the chances of economic survival of individuals depend solemnly on the right ability to choose a course that can maximize the economic sustainability of such an individual. Hence, career making is absolutely essential.
Decision making is the process of identifying and selecting alternatives based on unique preferences. Therefore, successful career planning requires many decisions, an ability to set goals and the ability to reach the set goals in a proper time. Nevertheless, it should be noted that career decisions are among the most challenging things one could ever make in life. This is so, when a wrong decision is made, the outcome is always obvious in the way, manner, and attitude of such an individual throughout his or her life. It is equally glaring that decisions involved uncertainty, which makes many people uncomfortable. Nonetheless, planning can reduce the degree of uncertainty and increase chances of achieving the desired goals.
Career decision can be dangerous when individuals have no knowledge about its implications. Nevertheless, Sharf (2002) opines that career decision making helps to identify factors involved in a person’s career decision and provides an understanding of the way these factors have an impact on their career decision and choice. Based on the opinion of Sharf, it is obvious that career decision is an important aspect of every human to successful career, especially in an economic crisis nation like Nigeria.
Examining the core concept of career decision, Patteon and McMalion (1999) in Siriwan (2011) identify three broad factors that predetermine the outcome of choosing a career. These factors are; a clear understanding of oneself, which includes the abilities of every individuals, aptitudes, interest, ambition, resources, limitations and knowledge of their causes; the second factor is the knowledge of the requirement which preclude, condition of success, advantages and disadvantages, compensation, opportunities and prospects in different lines of works. The third factor that is identified by Patton and McMalion (1999) in Siriwan (2011) is true reasoning on the relations of the two groups above. It can be deduced therefore that numerous variables are responsible for the failure and success of career decision among individuals especially students in the secondary schools.
Attitude is considered psychological factor that affects the way and manner at which an individual perceived a job opportunity and career decision notwithstanding (Pitts, 2007).
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