The impact of staff training on the performance of local government area staff in Anambra state has many problems affecting it. These include lack of well articulated policy guidelines, no parameter for identification of workers’ needs, no definite job analysis and job description; indiscriminate staff training that has no relevance to their tasks. the problems of inadequate infrastructures, no personnel, ineffectiveness and inefficiency on the part of the workers affect them in their job performance. The call for training is very important as it will enhance development of new skills, attitudes, as well as understanding of new ideas and technology which the local government workers do not have but are need for optimal job performance. For any organization to survive the test of time, three major types of activities are imperative: These are training of operative, executive development of managers, and organizational development for everyone in the organization and societal objectives are accomplished. It is through training that individual skills and knowledge to perform certain tasks are acquired. The findings also showed that most of the workers do not have first degree and so regular training would be required to augment skills, knowledge and attitude needed for job performance. There were no job specification at the secretariat, and that led to truancy which implies that the jobs of such workers suffer from month to month without supervision. After the training, participants should be given the opportunity to review the experience as well as practicalize it. There is need for continuous assessment of workers of the local government for effectiveness and efficiency.